2005 Nest Data

Monday Morning May 23, 2005 from Liz Riggs

Nest 1 was found directly in front of POA 11. We all thought it was a false crawl initially but none of us were willing to confirm it without probing.  Following our walk we then decided to probe further.   Incoming and outgoing tracks were clearly visible and even with the tide line but no well defined body pit.   We checked for other signs and saw disturbed vegetation.  Linda Kirchhof and Liz Rigg's probing found the nest barely 9 inches below the surface.

Due to the close proximity to the tide line and the shallowness of the actual nest, the nest of 154 eggs was relocated with assistance from Darnell Keller, Mary Gnau. and Susan Briggs as well as Gary Bond.  Karen and Tony's tutelage has paid off. Think like a turtle and you will find the nest !

Expected Hatch Date - July 25th

Date of First Emergence - July 25th

Inventoried 7/28 (0 dead hatchlings, 1 live healthy 2 headed hatchling)

107  empty shells
 47  unhatched eggs
154  total eggs

107/154 = 69% successful hatch

Wednesday May 25 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 2 was found near POA 12 and 104 eggs were relocated. Only the outgoing tracks were visible on the beach. She must have come in at high tide (10ish) and left several hours later, low was at 4am.  Due to the high winds last night, most tracks above the wrack line were covered, especially the incoming tracks.

Anne Carroll's probe found the nest under/beside a large mound of sand with a lot of broken vegetation mixed in, at the end of the body pit nearest to the exit tracks.  Congratulations to Anne on her first nest!!  She was ably assisted by Sue Briggs and myself, Betsy Koehler. Fripp turtles have returned again, we're off to a good start!

Expected Hatch Date - July 27th

Date of First Emergence - July 28th

Inventoried 7/31 (0 dead hatchlings)

 84  empty shells
 20  unhatched eggs
104  total eggs

84/104 = 81% successful hatch

Tuesday June 7th from Karen Natoli

Nest 3 was found by Karen N. and Linda S. in an area above the wrack line just south of POA 11. With assistance from Debbie P. we relocated 144 eggs up to the command post area at POA 11.

A note about this nest:
Pieces of egg shell were found above the ground with fresh membrane still in it. This was a clue that this egg was from a nearby and relatively new nest that was most likely invaded by a ghost crab. There were no other signs of tracks, body pit or anything but we proceeded to dig around the area and found the nest.
Karen N.

Expected Hatch Date - August 3rd

Date of First Emergence - July 28th, boil - July 30th

Inventoried 8/07 (1 dead hatchling due to ghost crab predation)

 74  empty shells
 70  unhatched eggs
144  total eggs

74-1=73/144 = 51% successful hatch

Tuesday June 7th, from Rich Combes

Nest 4 was found just north of POA 14, in Zone 2.  The nest was found in the wrack line by Jean Kohlmayer (her first!) and Rich Combes, and 107 eggs were relocated to the area next to the Command Post at POA 11.  

We also had a false crawl in Zone 2 between POA 16 and 17.
Jean & Rich

Expected Hatch Date - August 3rd

Date of  First Emergence - August 4th

Inventoried 8/07 (1 dead hatchling )

101  empty shells
  6  unhatched eggs
107  total eggs

101-1/107 = 93% successful hatch

Wednesday, June 8th from Rich Combes

Nest 5 was found just south of POA 2 in Zone 1, in the wrack line, by Karen Natoli, Liz Riggs, Tony Natoli and Rich Combes.  The mother had just finished nesting at around 6:30 am and Liz got some great photos of her returning to the ocean.  The nest was left in situ. 

Even though we found the nest (after much probing) soon after she laid it, two eggs had already been destroyed by crabs.

Nest 5 was relocated on the evening of June 19th as the area was being threatened by high tides. 134 eggs were relocated by Gary Bond and Rich Combes to high ground at  POA 3. Two shells were left behind.

Expected Hatch Date - August 7th

Date of  First Emergence - August 4th

Inventoried 8/07 (1 dead hatchling )

  73  empty shells
  61  unhatched eggs
134  total eggs

73-1/134 = 54% successful hatch

Thursday, June 9th from Betsy Koehler

Nest 6 was found this morning just south of the Beach Club, in front of John Fripp Villas #139 & #140, and left in situ.   We followed the incoming tracks over the rack line , then along near the rocks and we found two body pits with broken vegetation, the second had a large mound of sand at the end away from the exit tracks.  After a lot of probing, Leon was ready to give up, but I continued as did Linda Sigafoos, who was walking on the beach with her probe stick.  Tony did his 'one step in from the exit tracks', (which was at the edge of the original mound) ,Linda probed nearby and found the nest! Her first!   A little girl, Riina, came by and said she saw the turtle at 11pm last night and "it was really big and I petted it!".   The location should be safe from tides, but we'll need to watch the nest closely in 60 days, as lights from the villas will be distracting. BK, LL and LS

Expected Hatch Date - August 5th

Date of  First Emergence - August 5th

Inventoried 8/08 (0 dead hatchling )

   94  empty shells
  29  unhatched eggs
123  total eggs

94/123 = 76% successful hatch

Thursday, June 9th from Katherine Harb

Nest 7 was found by Janie Lackman and Katherine Harb. The nest is located just South of POA 12.  The nest was left in situ.  Two notes regarding this nest: a number of eggs were destroyed by ghost crabs, and the nest was shallow and wide. It looked as though the mother dropped her eggs to the side of her hole.

Leon and Jean relocated nest 7 on June 21st because it was threatened by the spring tides. They moved 104 eggs (6 eggs destroyed by crabs) away from the wrack line south of POA 12. 

Expected Hatch Date - August 8th

Date of  First Emergence - August 9th

Inventoried 8/12 (1 dead hatchling )

   84  empty shells
  20  unhatched eggs
104  total eggs

84-1/104 = 80% successful hatch

Thursday, June 9th from Karen Natoli

Nest 8 was found today in zone #1 by Karen N., Jean K. and Margit R. in an area above the wrack line in front of POA 3 and was left in situ.

  This area should also be safe from tides for awhile, but we will monitor it along with Nest 5.   Thanks for the assistance by Tony N., Gary B., Linda S. and her friend Cathy for their help in bringing supplies and marking the nest sites with us.   I think the turtles have already made up for last year!

Expected Hatch Date - August 5th

Date of  First Emergence - August 4th

Inventoried 8/07 (0 dead hatchlings )

 113  empty shells
   11  unhatched eggs
125  total eggs

113/125 = 90% successful hatch

Thursday, June 9th from Margit Resch

Nest 9 - Jean Kohlmayer, Karen Natoli and I found Nest 9, between POA 2 and #3. Mom meandered east to west along the dune line some 40 feet before she decided on her spot. The mound was pretty clearly delineated by the return tracks and the pile of sand she unearthed to dig the pit. Karen decided to relocate the nest nearby on higher ground. We counted 107 eggs.  Gary Bond was called in for more stakes and he and Tony helped pound them in. Thank you, guys! Margit R.

Expected Hatch Date - August 5th

Date of  First Emergence - August 4th

Inventoried 8/07 (1 dead hatchling due to ghost crab predation)

 101 empty shells
   6  unhatched eggs
107  total eggs

101/107 = 94% successful hatch

Sunday, June 12th from Jane Pruett

Nest 10 - found this morning just south of POA 11 in Zone 2.  Janie Lackman, Mike Platt, Debbie Platt and I moved the nest to higher ground close to the other nests by  POA 11. There were 157 eggs but 6 were empty shells.  While Janie was removing the eggs from the nest a very large and mean ghost crab jumped out of the nest.  Sure hope he does not find where the nest is now. Jane Pruett

Expected Hatch Date - August 8th

Date of  First Emergence - August 4th

Inventoried 8/07 (2 dead hatchlings )

  73  empty shells
 78  unhatched eggs
151  total eggs

73-2/151 = 47% successful hatch

Thursday, June 16th from Jane Pruett

Nest 11 - Jean Kohlmayer and I found Nest 11 this morning just south of POA 3 in the almost identical spot where a nest was thought to be found previously by Rich Combes and Gary Bond.  The old nest was not found by the probe and it was not clear if it was was real or false.  The area had been taped off.  This morning's mama came right inside of the taped area.  After probing the nest was found but left in situ.  Now we do not know if there is one or two nests in the location.  I think the turtles are trying to keep us on our toes!
Jane Pruett

Nest 11 was relocated on the evening of June 19th as the area was being threatened by high tides. 170 eggs were relocated by Gary Bond and Rich Combes to high ground at  POA 3.

Expected Hatch Date - August 11th

Inventoried 8/13 (3 dead hatchling )

    102  empty shells
     68  unhatched eggs
170  total eggs

102/170 = 60% successful hatch

Friday, June 17th from Ben TenEyck

Nest 12 - Gary Bond and Ben Teneyck found this nest just north of POA 11 and relocated 107 eggs it straight back to higher ground.

Expected Hatch Date - August 9th

Date of  First Emergence - August 12th

Inventoried 8/15 (31 dead hatchling )

      60  empty shells
     47  unhatched eggs
  107  total eggs

60-31=29/107 = 27% successful hatch

Friday, June 17th from Mary Gnau

Nest 13 - Mary Gnau and Nancy Hutchinson found nest 13 just opposite POA 15 and relocated 101 eggs to straight back to high ground.

Expected Hatch Date - August 9th

Inventoried 8/13 (0 dead hatchling )

     98  empty shells
      3  unhatched eggs
  101  total eggs

98/101 = 97% successful hatch

Saturday, June 18th

Nest 14 - Jean Kohlmayer and Liz Rigg found this nest just south of POA 2 and relocated 101 eggs south next to Nest 9  just opposite POA 3.

Expected Hatch Date - August 10th

Date of  First Emergence - August 12th

Inventoried 8/15 (0 dead hatchling )

     98  empty shells
      3  unhatched eggs
  101  total eggs

98/101 = 97% successful hatch

Monday, June 20th from Susan Briggs

Nest 15 - Mary G., Darnell K. and Susan B. found nest 15 on June 20 just south of POA 3.  122 eggs were relocated to command post at POA 11 as the original site was very low and near the high water mark and there are no dunes in that area.

Expected Hatch Date - August 12th

Date of  First Emergence - August 12th

Inventoried 8/15 (0 dead hatchling )

    117  empty shells
      5  unhatched eggs
  122  total eggs

117/122 = 96% successful hatch

Tuesday, June 21st from Rich Combes
Nest 16 - Rich Combes found this nest just north of POA 15 and left it in situ, since it was above the wrack line. 

Expected Hatch Date - August 13th

Date of  First Emergence - August 15th

Inventoried 8/18 (3 dead hatchling )

     90  empty shells
    20  unhatched eggs
  110  total eggs

90-3/110 = 79% successful hatch

Tuesday, June 21st from Rich Combes

Nest 17 - Judy, Janie, and Jean found nest 17 near POA 13 and relocated 89 eggs to a small dune directly behind the original nest. 

Expected Hatch Date - August 13th

Date of  First Emergence - August 14th

Inventoried 8/16 (0 dead hatchling )

     87  empty shells
      2  unhatched eggs
   89  total eggs

87/89 = 98% successful hatch

Friday, June 24th from Jane Pruett

Nest 18 - Located by Ben Teneyck, Karen Natoli, Jane Pruett, and Tony Natoli.  The nest was found north of POA 9 and contained 147 eggs. With the assistance of two budding naturalists, 143 eggs were relocated to higher ground at POA 9.  

Expected Hatch Date - August 15th

Date of  First Emergence - August 15th

Inventoried 8/18 (1 dead hatchling )

    113  empty shells
     30  unhatched eggs
  143  total eggs

113-1/147 = 76% successful hatch

Friday, June 24th from Jane Pruett

Nest 19 - Found just north of POA 11.  There were 133 eggs with one broken egg.  132 eggs were relocated straight back from where it was found.  The nest was found after considerable probing in the wrack line by Ben Teneyck, Karen Natoli, Jane Pruett, and Tony Natoli.  The early risers were very interested in what we were doing and the turtle program.

 Expected Hatch Date - August 15th

Date of  First Emergence - August 14th

Inventoried 8/17 (11 dead hatchling )

    121  empty shells
     11  unhatched eggs
  132  total eggs

121-11/133= 83% successful hatch

Friday, June 24th from Jane Pruett

Nest 20 - Found in front of  POA 13 after almost giving up.  Karen Natoli found the nest after discovering broken roots in the wrack line.  Sixty-seven eggs were found.  Sixty-six eggs were relocated close to Nest 19 just south of POA 11.  Ben Teneyck, Jane Pruett, and Tony Natoli assisted Karen in the relocation.   This was a busy morning but very rewarding for all of us. Jane Pruett

Expected Hatch Date - August 15th

Date of  First Emergence - August 15th

Inventoried 8/18 (21 dead hatchling )

     64  empty shells
      2  unhatched eggs
   66  total eggs

64-21/67 = 20% successful hatch

Monday, June 27th from Linda Kirchhof

Nest 21 - Nest twenty one was found at POA 15 with 109 eggs. The crawl was short, Mom evidently left at pretty high tide after just clearing the wrack line by about 10 feet. Adam Henderson and two of his staff and Linda Kirchhof were exploring for the nest when Karen Natoli came and found it on the second probe. She was using Marilyn's advice of 1 step past the crawl. The eggs were at 18 inches deep and 108 eggs were relocated straight back to keep them safe from expected high tides in July & August. Several beach walkers learned a lot about loggerheads this AM.
Linda Kirchhof

Expected Hatch Date - August 18th

Date of  First Emergence - August 17th

Inventoried 8/20 (3 dead hatchling )

    107  empty shells
       1  unhatched eggs
   108  total eggs

1073-3/109 = 95% successful hatch

Thursday, June 30th from Karen Natoli

Nest 22 - Found today 6/30/05 by Jean K., Ben T., Margit R. & Janie L. just north of POA 2 with 166 eggs. 163 eggs were relocated to a higher area just north of POA 3.
Karen  N.

Expected Hatch Date - August 18th

Date of  First Emergence - August 16th

Inventoried 8/19 (1 dead hatchling )

    143  empty shells
     20  unhatched eggs
   163  total eggs

143-1/166 = 85% successful hatch

Sunday, July 3rd from Jane Pruett

Nest 23 -Found this morning just south of POA 2.  There were 128 eggs, but one was broken.  127 eggs were relocated to higher ground further south of POA 2 close to other nests by Gary Bond, Rich Combes and myself.

There was also a false crawl just north of POA 2.  The tracks went directly to the rocks and turned and went back to the ocean.  There was some speculation that Nest 23 might be the second run for this turtle.
Jane Pruett

Expected Hatch Date - August 21st

Date of  First Emergence - August 20th

Inventoried 8/23 (2 dead hatchling )

    103  empty shells
     24  unhatched eggs
   127  total eggs

103-2/128 = 79% successful hatch

Monday, July 4th

Nest 24 - Linda K. and Leon L. 115 eggs at POA 13, 115 eggs relocated straight back to higher ground.

Expected Hatch Date - August 22nd

Date of  First Emergence - August 23rd

Inventoried 8/26 (2 dead hatchling )

    111  empty shells
       4  unhatched eggs
   115  total eggs

111-2/115 = 95% successful hatch

Monday, July 4th from Karen Natoli

Nest 25 - Adam H. and Karen N.  just south of POA 15, Linda K. and Leon L. relocated 144 eggs straight back next to nest 13.

Expected Hatch Date - August 22nd

Date of  First Emergence - August 24th

Inventoried 8/27 (0 dead hatchling )

    136  empty shells
       8  unhatched eggs
   144  total eggs

136/144 = 94% successful hatch

Thursday, July 7th from Jane Pruett

Nest 26 - This nest of 149 eggs was found by Margit R. south of POA 2.  144 eggs were move further south to higher ground just south of POA 2.  Jean K. and Jane P. assisted Margit.

Expected Hatch Date - August 25th

Date of  First Emergence - August 25th

Inventoried 8/28 (0 dead hatchling )

    127  empty shells
     17  unhatched eggs
   144  total eggs

127/149 = 85% successful hatch

Thursday, July 7th from Jane Pruett

Nest 27 - After  much probing finally Margit again found the nest.  It was well hidden in the rack behind a boat south of POA 2.   There were a total of 75 eggs. 59 eggs were relocated further south to higher ground to miss the expected high tides.  Those assisting in the find and move were Margit R., Jean K., Jane P., Karen N. and Tony N.

Expected Hatch Date - August 25th

Date of  First Emergence - August 25th

Inventoried 8/28 (0 dead hatchling )

      27  empty shells
     32  unhatched eggs
    59  total eggs

 27/75 = 33% successful hatch

Sunday, July 10th

Nest 28 - Janie L. Mike P. and Tony N. found this nest south of the Beach Club. There were a total of 103 eggs and with the help of Margit R. they were relocated to higher ground next to Nest 6, an in situ nest.

Expected Hatch Date - August 28th

Date of  First Emergence - August 29th

Inventoried 9/01 (0 dead hatchling )

      93  empty shells
     10  unhatched eggs
   103  total eggs

 93/103 = 90% successful hatch

Wednesday, July 13th from Betsy Koehler

Nest 29 - Found this morning by Sue B. and Betsy K. just north of access 16, in front of the "?" stake from 6/21.  There was no obvious body pit, it looked like she just crossed over the wrack line, turned around and left.  But Sue's second probe into the wrack found the nest!!  Behind the nest was too close to the rocks to be safe, so we relocated 84 eggs to the area just south of the Beach Club stairs, next to nests #6 and #28.  Another good turtle morning!

Expected Hatch Date - August 31st

Date of  First Emergence - September 1st

Inventoried 9/04 (0 dead hatchlings )

      74  empty shells
     10  unhatched eggs
    84  total eggs

74/84 = 88% successful hatch


Wednesday, July 13th from Phyllis Conrad

Nest 30 - found this morning by Phyllis C., Jack B., and Adam H. just N. of  POA 2 up against the dune by a big bush. We moved 116 eggs to just S. of POA 2 where the other nests are located. This was our first nest in 2 years so we were pretty excited.

Expected Hatch Date - August 31st

Date of  First Emergence - September 1st

Inventoried 9/04 (0 dead hatchlings )

     109  empty shells
       7  unhatched eggs
   116  total eggs

109/116 = 94% successful hatch

Thursday, July 14th from Jane Pruett

Nest 31 - found today, Thursday, just north of POA 9.  It was left in situ as Mama Turtle had left it.  Jean K, Margit R, Tony N and Jane P all participated in the probe.  We had a large family from Ohio and Michigan watch with great interest.  They came to the beach just to walk with us.

Expected Hatch Date - September 1st

This nest has not hatched in more than 80 days so it is a total loss. At
56 days a temperature probe was placed in the sand immediately along side the egg chamber at the 18" depth. The temperature readings fall between 79.1 f. and 81.4 f. This is a reasonable temperature range. The area looked, and still looks, like a good nesting location to both us and the nesting turtle. It's not particularly low but the sand is very damp past a depth of 6"-8". It can be formed into a ball by compressing it in your hand and retains its shape. The nest has never been over washed  but remains damp even during periods of little or no rain. A few of the eggs were examined and contained partially developed embryos filling somewhere from 1/3 to 3/4 of the egg chamber.

Inventoried 10/04 (0 dead hatchlings )

        0  empty shells
    132  unhatched eggs
   132  total eggs

0/132 = 0% successful hatch

Thursday, July 14th from Leon Long

Nest 32 - found just north of POA 15 by Catherine H. & Leon L.. 125 eggs were laid, one was broken so 124 eggs were relocated further back to higher ground.

Expected Hatch Date - September 1st

Date of first emergence - September 2nd

Inventoried 9/05 (0 dead hatchlings )

      99  empty shells
      25  unhatched eggs
   124  total eggs

 99/125 = 79% successful hatch

Friday, July 15th, from Jane Pruett

Nest 33 - found this morning by Karen Natoli just north of POA 2 with 117 eggs.  115 eggs were relocated to an area at POA 3.  Gary B., Tony N., and Jane P. assisted.

Expected Hatch Date - September 2nd

Date of  First Emergence - September 3rd

Inventoried 9/06 (0 dead hatchlings )

      86  empty shells
      29  unhatched eggs
   115  total eggs

 86/117 = 73% successful hatch

Thursday, July 21st.

Nest 34 - Molly, Megan & Rachel Eyler found this nest with 107 eggs and a ghost crab midway between POA 2 & POA 3 . Relocated 107 eggs to higher ground south of POA 2.

Expected Hatch Date - September 8th

Date of  First Emergence - September 10th

Inventoried 9/13 (0 dead hatchlings )

      75  empty shells
      32  unhatched eggs
   107  total eggs

 75/107 = 70% successful hatch

Thursday, July 21st, from Betsy Koehler

Nest 35 - was found this morning just south of the Beach Club and we relocated 124 eggs (none broken!) to an area in front of Leon's house, next to last Thursday's Nest 32. The turtle had come above the big wrack line and had piled up the old wrack all around.  Leon's careful probe found the nest in one of the big piles near the edge of the 'pit'.  Several visitors told us that they had watched the turtle nesting last night around 10 pm, but the vacationers became tired and left before the turtle did, although she was probably pretty tired too! Good work Leon, Katherine and Betsy!

Expected Hatch Date - September 8th

Date of  First Emergence - September 9th

Inventoried 9/12 (0 dead hatchlings )

     113  empty shells
      11  unhatched eggs
   124  total eggs

 113/124 = 91% successful hatch

Saturday, July 23rd, from Dick Blanchard

Nest 36 - was found just north of POA 9 in zone 1 by Linda Kirchhof, Dick Blanchard, and Martha Blanchard and a pair of young naturalists. The nest was on a high area and there was a defined body pit. Dick located the eggs and it was decided to leave the nest in situ.

Expected Hatch Date - September 10th

Date of  First Emergence - September 10th

Inventoried 9/13 (1 dead hatchling )

      85  empty shells
     34  unhatched eggs
   119  total eggs

 85/119 = 71% successful hatch

Saturday, July 23rd, from Dick Blanchard

Nest 37 - was found at POA 7 in zone 1. Larry and Lori Lamberth were on the beach on Friday night and saw the turtle come in. They showed Linda Kirchhof and Martha Blanchard the location of the body pit. Without the Lamberth’s help, it would have been almost impossible to find this nest. With the assistance of Dick Blanchard and Tony Natoli, the eggs were located. Linda and Martha relocated the nest with 66 eggs to the command post area at POA 11.

Expected Hatch Date - September 10th

Date of  First Emergence - September 13th

Inventoried 9/16 (0 dead hatchlings)

      61  empty shells
       5  unhatched eggs
     66  total eggs

 61/66 = 92% successful hatch

Tuesday, July 26th, from Linda Sigafoos

Nest 38 - 81 eggs found by Karen N., Christina T. and Linda S. just north of POA 2. Relocated 79 eggs to area north of POA 3

Expected Hatch Date - September 13th

Date of  First Emergence - September 16th

Inventoried 9/19 with the help of Nonie Yeager (0 dead hatchlings )

      64  empty shells
      15  unhatched eggs
     79  total eggs

 64/81 = 79% successful hatch

Friday, July 29th, from Linda Sigafoos

Nest 39 -
Linda Sigafoos and Nancy Hutchinson found this nest just North of Silverside with 130 eggs. Relocated to area with other nests just North of Silverside in front of John Fripp Villas.

Expected Hatch Date - September 16th

Date of  First Emergence - September 20th

Inventoried 9/23 (0 dead hatchlings )

     107  empty shells
      23  unhatched eggs
    130  total eggs

 107/130 = 82% successful hatch

Thursday, August 4th, from Betsy Koehler

Wild Nest 1 - I was watching Nest 4 tonight, which wasn't doing anything, and several people on the beach came up and said they saw many (20-30) turtles going to the water. I followed and watched the last two. They showed me where they came from (just above the rack line, just north of POA 11) (lots of little hatchling footprints all around) and I got three stakes and taped it off. Looks like we missed it on AM patrol  in June, we should inventory it in 3 days.

ed note; Probably laid on June 9th, previously thought to be a false crawl. TN

Date of First Emergence - August 3rd

Inventoried 8/07 (4 dead hatchlings due to ghost crab predation)

  95 empty shells
   4  unhatched eggs
 99  total eggs

95/99 = 96% successful hatch

Nest Data Summary for 2005