Raccoons, Take 3 !!!
Yes, once again it's been way too long and no excuse will ever be good enough for those of you that so faithfully watch for our updates.   So for now, I'll just say, I'm sorry and I hope you enjoy this little addition.
This page is dedicated to ARNIE.

Last Update -

Bobbie, Hazel & ChiChi
OK Cat, back of the line..!- Bobbie, Hazel, and ChiChi will even reluctantly tolerate a cat if it means getting to the food bowl.  In fact they seem less concerned about the cat than he is about them.  And of course, they will eventually run Tabby away from the bowl.

September 99
Ahhhh, nothing like a nice soft pillow! - Come bed time, even Hazel gets into the act.  That is till we get in bed, then she thinks its time to play.  Only takes a few minutes for us to conclude that she isn't a good bed partner and it's off to the pet carrier till the morning comes...

September 99
Psst, ya got any marshmallows?   She had a tough start but has really turned into a sweet baby. ChiChi, as she's now called, loves marshmallows and is the baby on Raccoons Take 2 that had such a bad split in her mouth.

September 99
The finger is good but, I'd rather have a marshmallows. -  ChiChi got her name cause we think she looks like a Chihuahua. Her snout is short and narrow compared to other Racoons. We believe this is a result of the injury she suffered as a very young baby.

October 99

Buster, Bobbie, ChiChi, and more
Ok, let's see you get outta this hold ! - His Uncle Rosco, the professional wrestler, taught Buster this hold.  You don't believe me ?   Well just try to take his bottle away from him till he's satisfied that it's empty...  It just ain't gonna happen...

October 99
What I lack in tail, I make up for in tongue ! -  Bobbie doesn't have a tail but, she has plenty of tongue. She will lick you to death with it too. But I don't care cause, she is *My* baby.  Just ask Dixie, she'll tell you.

October 99
What? No goodies ! -  Bobbie's all grown up now and ready to be released.  She struggled through some illness which has delayed her release but, her time has come and I must let her go.

November 99
Hey, knock it off down there ! -  Chichi will also be released later this month.   She and Bobbie are running buddies even though Bobbie is several months older.  They have been best of friends and play together constantly.   That is unless someone comes in with marshmallows, then Bobbie is on her own.

November 99
Hey, would somebody turn out that light?   You gotta have a bed partner on those chilly November nights.   Or in this case, those chilly November mornings.   After a hard night of playing, sleep comes easy for this pair.

November 99

 Yummy Yummy, it's good to my tummy! - Jim was released early this summer but still comes home to visit.  Spoiled rotten, as most of our babies are, he still loves to suck his bottle.   Of course, weighing in at nearly 20 lbs., he won't let his fellow raccoons see him with the bottle.   Actually, he doesn't care who sees him with it.

September 99
I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth but,-   It's OK cause his adopted Mama will spoon feed him if he wants.   Pogy was raised by a couple in Charleston and brought to us for release.  He's been released for over a month but still visits each evening at opossum feeding time.  If you won't tell him he's not an opossum, neither will we...

October 99
Hey everybody, Look what they feed the squirrels! -  This fellow has developed a taste for the Sunflower seeds we feed the squirrels and birds.  He climbs up for a treat each evening.   Thank goodness he doesn't try to sit on the ledge of the feeder..

October 99
Darn, I used to be able to sit in this pan !-  All grown up now, Meeko has made a beautiful raccoon.  He weighs in at 20+ lbs and still visits.  He's been released for over three months and his visits are starting to get fewer and farther apart.  As he spends more time in the wild he get more nervous and cautious of humans.  He especially avoids strangers...

October 99
Ahhhh, that feels soooo good! -  Zoro was raised by his adopted mother, Melissa who brought him to us to release.  He adapted to his new surroundings quickly and is now spending evenings out.  This makes for a very sleepy coon in the day time, as you can see here.

November 99
Darn kids, leave their toys laying everywhere! -   And what would any nursery be without a baby sitter.  Some of you may remember Arnie.  He's our permanent resident and does a wonderful job of playing with all our nursery babies.  Blind in one eye, has nerve damage on his right side, and suffers from occasional seizures (results of head injury at the hands of an abusive human) but he loves the company of the babies.

October 99

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