Completed data for the year 2000 nesting season

 Nest  2   Nest  3    Nest   4  Nest  5   Nest  6    Nest   7
 Nest  8   Nest  9    Nest 10  Nest 11  Nest 12   Nest 13
 Nest 14  Nest 15   Nest 16  Nest 17  Nest 18   Nest 19
 Nest 20  Nest 21   Nest 22  Nest 23  Nest 24   Nest 25
 Nest 26  Nest 27   Nest 28  Nest 29  Nest 30   Nest 31
 Nest 32  Nest 33   Nest 34  Nest 35  Nest 36   Wild 1

Nest 1                          2.6

Tony N.~ Nest 1 ~ Sat 5/20 ~ Zone 2

Left "in situ" far enough back out of 
any immediate danger but in low spot.

over washed ~ 02 July (very wet)
over washed ~ 03 July

Expect hatch date  5/20 + 63 = 7/22

Inventoried 7/31 (+72) days

                        7 empty shells
                    127 unhatched eggs
                   134 tot

               7/134 = 5% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 2                         2.2

Karen N. ~ Nest 2 ~ Sat 5/20 ~ Zone 2

Left "in situ" at the edge of the
 spring tide wash

over washed ~ 02 July

Expect hatch date  5/20 + 63 = 7/22

First emergence 7/24

Inventoried 7/30 -
                             4 dead hatchlings

                           73 empty shells
                           74 unhatched eggs
                        147 total eggs

               73-4/147 = 47% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 3                               1.13

Darnell & Sue ~ Nest 3 ~ 21 May ~ Zone 1
Left "in situ" within the spring tide wash.

over washed ~ 01 June

over washed ~ 30 June (very wet)
over washed ~ 01 July
over washed ~ 02 July (very wet)
over washed ~ 03 July

12" sand built up ~ 06 July

over washed ~ 30 July
over washed ~ 31 July

Expect hatch date  5/21 + 63 = 7/23

Inventoried 01 August - 128 unhatched eggs
(water in bottom of hole, eggs were putrid)

                 0% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 4                            1.8

Beth ~ Nest 4 ~ 23 May ~ Zone 1

Beth, Rick & Eric moved it a short
distance north to a spot with
less vegetation and a better slope. 

 Expect hatch date  5/23 + 56 =  7/18

 Reportedly Hatched 7/26

 Inventoried 7/31   -
                                   12 Unhatched Eggs 
                                 123 Clean Empty Shells
                                 135 tot

                         123/135 = 91% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 5                         1.12

Alden W. ~ Nest 5 ~ 23 May ~ Zone 1

left "in situ" on top of dune.

Expect hatch date  5/23 + 56 =  7/18

Noticed bowling 16 July...........
 Emergence started at 22:00 and
 continued  through  early  morning
 17 July. Estimate ~30+ hatchlings
 between observation and second 
 hand reports.

Continued to receive reports of
 sporadic hatchlings from this
 nest on the 18th & 19th. 

Inventoried 22 July ~

                        1 live hatchling
                        2 dead hatchlings

                       61 unhatched eggs
                       79 empty shells
                      140 tot

             79-2/140 = 55% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 6                       2.11

Sue Ellen ~ Nest 6 ~ 24 May ~ zone 2
left "in situ" 

         over washed ~ 31 may 
                        + 01 June

                        + 30 June
                        + 01 July
                        + 02 July
                        + 03 July

Ghost crab predation  ~
                          11 July ~ 1 egg 
                      +  13 July ~ 6 eggs
                      +  14 July ~ 2 eggs
                      +  15 July ~ 2 eggs
                      +  16 July ~ 2 eggs

Found live hatchling in bottom of ghost
crab tunnel 16 July.

                      +  17 July ~ 2 eggs
                      +  18 July ~ 2 eggs
                      +  19 July ~ 6 eggs
                      +  20 July ~ 2 eggs

Expect hatch date  5/24  + 56  =  7/19

Date of first emergence reported 7/18

Inventoried 22 July ~

                      1 live hatchling
                      2 dead hatchlings

                      10 empty shells
                    101 unhatched eggs
                     25 lost to ghost crabs
                   136 Total
          10-2/136 = 6% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 7                                    2.9

SueEllen ~ Nest 7 ~ 24 May ~ zone 2
left "in situ"  within spring tide wash.

        over washed ~ 31 may 
                       + 01 June

                       + 30 June
                       + 01 July
                       + 02 July
                       + 03 July
                       + 31 July 

Expect hatch date  5/24  + 63 =  7/26

Inventoried 01 August - 121 unhatched eggs
(eggs were soft and collapsed
 and, in the bottom 2/3 of the
 pit, very black)

             0% successful hatch/emergence 

WILD1 - 26 May - Zone 2 - above 
the spring tide wash. Undiscovered
until hatched 28 July.

Unfortunately most of the ~60
tracks went west to a porch light.

First emergence 7/28

Inventoried 8/02 -
                             1 Live Hatchling

                           11 Unhatched Eggs
                         113 Clean Empty Shells
                         124 Total

                 113/124 = 91% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 8                                      2.12

Karen N. ~ Nest 8 ~ 27 May ~ Zone 2
Left in situ. ~ Spring tide wash

 over washed ~ 31 may
                  + 01 June

                  + 30 June
                  + 01 July
                  + 02 July
                  + 03 July

8 July ~ found stakes pulled up and strewn about
nest marker broken off and found in the wash.
Informed security ~ IR 0986. Karen found the
buried piece of marker using reference points
found in the background of a digital picture
taken 30 June.

We dug down and verified that there were eggs
in the nest.

Expect hatch date  5/27  + 63 =  7/29

Inventoried 7/31 - 123 unhatched eggs
                   all collapsed and soft.
                   No shells.

             0% successful hatch/emergence 

Nest 9                   2.5

Karen N. ~ Nest 9 ~ 27 May ~ Zone 2

Very close to Rock Beauty Rd. and
quite close to the rock revetment.
Karen moved it further north.

        over washed ~ 31 may 
                       + 01 June

                      + 30 June
                      + 01 July
                      + 02 July
                      + 03 July

       over washed ~ 31 July

Expect hatch date  5/27 + 63 =  7/29

Report of first emergence - 7/27

Inventoried 01 August -

                        14 empty shells
                        96 unhatched eggs
                      110 Total

                14/110 = 13% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 10                                   1.9

Pat & Mike S. ~ Nest  10 ~ 28 May ~ zone 1
"in situ" on top and to the rear of a small dune.

Expect hatch date  5/28  + 63 =  7/30

Date of first emergence - 7/28

Inventoried 8/01 - 

                   18 unhatched eggs
                   43 empty shells
                   61 Total

             43/61 = 70% successful hatch/emergence 

Nest 11                2.8

Sue  E., Anne A. & Kathy K.
nest 11 ~ 1 June ~ zone 2.
in "situ" within spring tide wash.

    over washed ~ 01 June

                   + 30 June
                   + 01 July
                   + 02 July
                   + 03 July

Expect hatch date  6/01 +  63 =  8/03

Reported first emergence  ~7/30

Another 9ft. high tide on the evening of 7/30.

Removed 63 dead hatchlings 7/31
(no apparent cause, probably drowned )

Inventoried 8/04 

                     9 unhatched eggs
                 149 empty shells
                 158 Total

    149-63/158 = 54% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 12                           1.7 

Donna Z. ~ Nest 12 ~ 3 June ~ Zone 1
in "situ" on top of dune.

Expect hatch date 6/03 +  56 =  7/29

Date of first emergence - 7/26

Inventoried 8/01 -

                    96 empty shells
                    42 unhatched eggs
                  138 Total

            96/138 = 70% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 13                      zone 1.1

Linda L. ~ Nest 13 ~ 3 June ~ Zone 1
in "situ" within the spring tide wash.

over washed ~ 02 July (light)

Expect hatch date 6/03 +  56 =  7/29

Inventoried 8/09  -

                      1 live hatchling

                  - 51 unhatched eggs
                  - 69 empty shells
                   120 Total

             69/120 = 57% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 14                Zone 2.1

Tony N. ~ Nest 14 ~ 3 June ~ Zone 2
in "situ" behind the dune line.

Expect hatch date 6/03 +  56 =  7/29

Showed evidence of bowling 7/30.

Inventoried 8/05 - 

                   20 unhatched eggs
                   75 empty shells
                   95 Total

             75/95 = 79% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 15                             1.11

Pat, Mike, Darnell ~ Nest 15 ~ 7 June ~ Zone 1

in "situ" above the high tide mark out of
the spring tide wash on top of small dune.

Expect hatch date 6/07  +  56 =  8/02

Report of first emergence 08/02

Inventoried 8/07 ~

                    1 dead hatchling
                  21 unhatched eggs
                  88 empty shells
                110 Total

          88/110 = 80% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 16             2.13

Bruce & Georgia R. ~ Nest 16 ~ 8 June ~ Zone 2
north of Rock Beauty rd.

The nest was laid in the area of the
spring tide wash and was left "in situ".

over washed ~  02 July (light)
                + 03 July

over washed ~ 30 July
               + 31 July

Expect hatch date 6/08  +  63 =  8/10

Date of first emergence - 8/6 -

Observed: 6 live hatchlings followed safely
to sea, 4 dead hatchlings found, (ghost crab activity)

Inventoried 8/13 - 
                    115 empty shells
                        5 unhatched
                    120  Total

            115/120 = 96% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 17                         2.10

Georgia R. ~ Nest 17 ~ 10 June ~ Zone 2
in front of POA. 12 (Swordfish Rd.).

Left in "situ" above the high tide mark out
of the spring tide wash.

Expect hatch date 6/10  +  56 =  8/05

August 2nd - first emergence reported

August 11th - hatchling tracks - heavy ghost crab activity

August 15th - Inventoried - Georgia, Bruce, Kami

               1 - dead hatchling
               2 - live hatchlings 

            122 - empty shells
              13 - unhatched
            135 -  Total

 122-1/135 = 90% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 18                     1 .3

Linda L. ~ nest 18 ~ 16 June ~ zone 1
in front of POA. 1 (End of Marlin Dr.)
Nest was left in situ above high tide
mark within the spring tide wash.

over washed ~ 02 July (light)
               + 03 July (light)

over washed ~ 30 July
               + 31 July
               + 01 August

Expect hatch date 6/16 +  63 =  8/18

First reported emergence 8/16

Inventoried 8/21 - Linda L.

             2 - dead hatchling

           44 - empty shells
           61 - unhatched eggs
         105 Total

44-2/105 = 40% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 19                    1.2

Donna Z. & Sue Ellen R. ~ nest 19 ~ 19 June 
zone 1 ~ north of POA. 1 (End of Marlin Dr.)

Nest was left in situ above high tide mark
but within the spring tide wash.

        over washed ~ 30 June
                       + 01 July
                       + 02 July (light)
                       + 03 July

        over washed ~ 30 July
                       + 31 July
                       + 01 August

Expect hatch date 6/19 +  63 =  8/21

First emergence reported 8/17

Inventoried 8/22 - 

                   36 unhatched eggs
                   69 empty shells
                 105 Total 

           69/105 = 66% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 20                  2.3

Julie and Leticia ~ nest 20 ~ 20 June ~ zone 2
Nest was left in situ above high tide mark.

over washed ~ 02 July

Expect hatch date 6/20  +  56 =  8/15

reported date of first emergence 8/15

Inventoried 20 August 

                        1 dead hatchlings

                        9 unhatched eggs
                    137 empty shells
                    146 Total

          137-1/146 = 93% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 21                              1.6

Andrea, Jessica and Kevin ~ nest 21 ~ 20 June ~ zone 1
Nest was left in situ above high tide mark.

Due to the high tide 1 July The Sunday patrol of 2 July 
found only 5 eggs on top of the sand where the nest had
been. They reburied the 5 eggs further back on the same

High tide of 30 July brought down the rest of the dune.
Nest 21 is a total loss.

Assume state avg. of 126 eggs lost to erosion.

             0% successful hatch/emergence 

Nest 22                      1.5

Andrea, Jessica and Kevin 
nest 22 ~ 20 June ~ zone 1 ~ 90 eggs
relocated to dune in front of POA 1.

over washed ~ 02 July  (light)

Dune collapsing 03 July - relocated
further up on the dune. These eggs
were smaller, lighter and stained
translucent (water?).

Expect hatch date 6/20 +  56 =  8/15

First emergence reported 8/15 with
more tracks 8/16 and 8/17.

Inventoried 8/27

                  37 empty shells
                  53 unhatched eggs
                  90 Total

            37/90 = 41% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 23                          1.4

Andrea & Alden ~ nest 23 ~ 20 June ~ zone 1
relocated to dune in front of POA 1 next to
nest 22 as it was under a scarp. 88 eggs.

over washed ~ 02 July (light)

High PM tide 02 July caused edge of dune
to collapse exposing side of nest chamber.
Relocated further back on the dune away
from the edge. All the eggs were firm,
white, round and heavy. 

Expect hatch date 6/20 +  56 =  8/15

First emergence reported 8/15 with
more tracks 8/16 and 8/17.

Inventoried 8/27

                  48 empty shells
                  40 unhatched eggs
                  88 Total

            48/88 = 54% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 24               1.10

Alden w. & Matt P. ~ nest 24 ~ 22 June ~ zone 1
left in situ above the mean high tide line but
within the spring tide wash.

over washed  ~ 30 June
                 + 01 July
                 + 02 July
                 + 03 July
Lost 8-12" sand each night, replenished each day.

over washed   ~ 30 July
                 + 31 July
                 + 01 August

Expect hatch date 6/22 +  63 =  8/24

over washed  ~ 29 August

Inventoried 30 August 

              4 empty shells
            82 unhatched eggs
            86 Total

        4/86 = 5% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 25                        2.7

AN & KN nest 25 ~ 27 June 
     ~ zone 2 (Seahorse Rd.)

left in situ above the mean high
tide line but within the spring
tide wash. 

over washed   ~ 30 June
                + 01 July
                + 02 July
                + 03 July (heavy)

over washed ~ 30 July
                + 31 July

Expected hatch date 6/27 + 63 = 8/29

Reported first emergence 8/23 by
visitor who stated that tracks
went west to house lights.

Inventoried 8/26 

                   7 empty shells
               121 unhatched eggs
               128 Total

           7/128 = 5% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 26                          2.4

AN & KN ~ nest 26 ~ 27 June ~ zone 2
(Red Drum S.)

left in situ above the mean high tide
line  above the spring tide wash. 

Expect hatch date 6/27 +  56 =  8/22

Date of first emergence 8/24

Inventoried 8/30

                  5 unhatched eggs
               122 empty shells
               127 Total

       122/127 = 96% successful hatch/emergence

NEST 27                         2.14

Sue Edmonds ~ nest 27 ~ 2 July ~ zone 2 (north
of the Beach Club at John Fripp Villa Access)
left in situ above the spring high tide line.

Information sign placed in front of nest ~ 6 July 

Expect hatch date 7/02 +  56 =  8/27

Date of first emergence 8/26

Inventoried 8/30

                   6 unhatched eggs
                 94 empty shells
                100 Total

          94/100 = 94% successful hatch/emergence

NEST 28                      1.3.1

Pat & Mike ~ nest 28 ~ 5 July ~ Zone 1
left "in situ" on top of the dune
out of the Spring tide wash.

Expect hatch date 7/05 +  56 =  8/30

Reported first emergence N/A

Inventoried 9/09

                 0 dead hatchlings
                 0 live

                10 unhatched eggs
                85 empty shells
                95 Total

          85/95 = 89% successful hatch/emergence

NEST 29                 1.13.1

Pat & Karen ~ nest 29 ~ 5 July ~ Zone 1

Left "in situ" on top of the dune
out of the Spring tide wash.

Expect hatch date 7/05 +  56 =  8/30

Reported first emergence N/A

Inventoried 9/09
                 0 dead hatchlings
                 0 live

               16 unhatched eggs
             100 empty shells
             116 Total

     100/116 = 86% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 30                   2.1.2

Anne A., Sue E. & Kathy K.
Nest  30 ~ 6 July ~ Zone 2

It was left "in situ" as it was high
on the slope of a small dune.

Expect hatch date 7/06 +  56 =  8/31

First emergence reported 8/29

Inventoried 9/3

                    7 unhatched eggs
                121 hatched eggs
                128 Total

        127/128 = 94.5% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 31                        2.4.1

Arvest Smith & Tony N. ~ nest 31 ~ 8 July 
 Zone 2. ~  "in situ"  ~ back above the
 spring tide wash.

Expect hatch date 7/08 +  56 =  9/02

Reported first emergence 8/31

Inventoried 9/05

                  2 dead hatchlings

                  2 unhatched eggs
              122 empty shells
              124 Total

   122-2/124 = 97% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 32                  2.6.1

Arvest Smith & Tony N. ~ Nest 32 ~ 8 July 
Zone 2  ~  "in situ"  ~ set back at the
spring tide wash in a flat area.

over washed   ~ 30 July
                  + 31 July
                  + 01 August

Expect hatch date 7/05 +  63 =  9/06

Reported first emergence N/A

Inventoried 9/09

                  0 dead hatchlings
                  0 live

              114 unhatched eggs
                12 empty shells
              126 Total

        12/126 = 9% successful hatch/emergence

Note: This nest was flooded out during the
      heavy rains of the previous 2 weeks.

Nest 33                  1.14

Pat & Mike ~  nest 33 ~ 12 July 
south end of zone 1.

Left "in situ" on the front slope of
dune within the spring tide wash.

Expect hatch date  7/12 + 56 = 9/06

Reported first emergence 9/09

Inventoried 9/14

                  0 dead hatchlings
                  0 live

                  6 unhatched eggs
              127 empty shells
              133 Total

       127/133 = 95% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 34                       1.6.1

Alden W. ~ nest 34 ~ 13 July
zone 1 ~ POA 12 (Swordfish Rd.).

Left "in situ" on top of dune
above the spring tide wash.

Expect hatch date  7/13 + 56 = 9/07

Reported first emergence 9/04

Inventoried 9/09

                 0 dead hatchlings
                 0 live

               51 unhatched eggs
               54 empty shells
              105 Total

        54/105 = 51% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 35                 2.10.1

Georgia R. ~ nest 35 ~ 20 July
 zone 2 ~ POA 12 (Swordfish Rd.).

Left "in situ" within
 the spring tide wash.

over washed ~ 30 July
                + 31 July

                + 28 August
                + 29 August
                + 30 August
                + 31 August
                + 18 September (storm tide)

Anticipated hatch window 9/14 -> 9/21

Reported first emergence 9/15 (one track)

Inventoried 9/22

                52 dead hatchlings

                69 unhatched eggs
                61 empty shells
              130 Total

    61-52/130 = 7% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 36                      1.15

Anne R. & Tony N. ~ nest 36 ~ 28 July
 zone 1 ~ North side of Control Point.

Left "in situ" at the wrack line
of the spring tide wash.

Anticipated hatch window 9/22 -> 9/29

over washed by storm tide of 9/18

Reported first emergence 9/23

Inventoried 10/01

                           1 dead hatchlings
                           0 live

                         10 unhatched eggs
                         89 empty shells
                        99 Total

               89-1/99 = 89% successful hatch/emergence


 Of the 37 nests laid, 11 were lost 
 due to flooding or erosion,
 (where lost is defined as less 
 than a 20% success rate). 

 The average success rate of the
 remaining 26 nests was  76%.

 The average success rate of the 
 4 nests that were relocated was 52%
 however, three of these four nests
 were  washed by high tides. The
 fourth nest had a 91% hatch success.

 Our first nest was dug on May 20th,
 our last was July 28th.

 The average incubation period was
 just under 55 days. 

 Our first nest to hatch was on July 24th
 and our last hatched on September 23rd.

 Our largest nest was Nest 11 
 with 158 eggs.

 2447 hatchlings emerged from the 
 4590 eggs deposited this season on
 Fripp Island.

                             A. Natoli 
