Nest Data for the Year 2001 Nesting Season

  Nest  2   Nest  3    Nest   4  Nest  5   Nest  6    Nest   7
  Nest  8   Nest  9    Nest 10  Nest 11  Nest 12   Nest 13
  Nest 14  Nest 15   Nest 16  Nest 17   Nest 18  Nest 19
  Nest 20  Nest 21   Nest 22  Nest 23   Nest 24  Nest 25
  Nest 26  Nest 27   Nest 28  Nest 29   Nest 30  Nest 31
  Nest 32  Nest 33   Nest 34  Nest 35   Nest 36  Nest 37
  Nest 38  Nest 39   Nest 40  Nest 41   Nest 42  Nest 43


Nest 1 Lois W. & Nancy H. ~ nest 1 ~ Tue. 5/22 ~ Zone 2 near the Beach Club below the  Spring High Tide wrack line. Relocated 121 eggs to dune just north of POA 6

 Expect hatch date 5/22 + 63 = 7/25 

First emergence 8/03 

Inventoried 8/06 

115 empty shells 
    6 unhatched eggs 
121 total eggs 

           115/121 = 95% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 2 Karen N. ~ nest 2 ~ Tue 5/22 ~ Zone 2 
just opposite POA 12. It was left "in situ" a good distance back from the spring high tide line but in the "flat" area of the beach.

 Expect hatch date 5/22 + 63 = 7/25

Inventoried 8/07 

3 empty shells
(probable ghost crab predation)
102 unhatched eggs 
105 total eggs

            0/105 = 0% successful hatch/emergence

Nest 3 Penny R. ~ nest 3 ~ Fri 5/25 ~ Zone 2 north of Rock Beauty Rd. It was left "in situ" close to the rocks. 

Expect hatch date 5/25 + 63 = 7/28 

First emergence 8/01 

Inventoried 8/05 1 dead hatchling

126 empty shells 
18 unhatched eggs 
144 total eggs 

126-1/144 = 87% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 4 Georgia R. ~ nest 4 ~ 5/25 ~ Zone 2 
in a low area prone to flooding. 
Relocated 101 eggs to a dune just to the south of POA 5. 

Expect hatch date 5/25 + 63 = 7/28 

First emergence 8/03 

Inventoried 8/06 

88 empty shells 
13 unhatched eggs 
101 total eggs

 88/101 = 87% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 5 Alden W. & Karen C ~ 5/26 ~ Zone 1
 left "in situ" on top of dune between POA 4 & POA 5. 

Expect hatch date 5/26 + 63 = 7/29 

First emergence 8/02

 Inventoried 8/06 - 1 dead hatchling

 90 empty shells
 16 unhatched eggs
 106 total eggs

 90-1/106 = 84% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 6 Linda L. & Lois W. ~ 5/29 ~ zone 2 Relocated 121 eggs to a dune just to the north of POA 6. 

 Expect hatch date 5/29 + 63 = 8/01

 First emergence 8/06

 Inventoried 8/08 ~ 0 dead hatchlings

 99 empty shells
 22 unhatched eggs
 121 total eggs

 99/121 = 82% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 7 Eric G. ~ nest 7 ~ 5/30 ~ zone 2 
Relocated 105 eggs to dune just to the north of POA 6. This nest had been exposed and seven eggs on the top of the nest had been destroyed by ghost crabs. 

Expect hatch date 5/30 + 63 = 8/02

 First emergence 8/05

 Inventoried 8/08 - 0 dead hatchlings

 76 empty shells
 29 unhatched eggs
 105 total eggs

 76/105 = 72% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 8 Mary, Phyllis & Penny ~ 6/04 ~ Zone 1 Left "in situ" in zone 1 at the base of a small dune between POA-3 & POA-4. 

Expect hatch date 6/04 + 63 = 8/07 

Over washed during spring tide 7/21

 First emergence 8/01

 Inventoried 8/06 (3 dead hatchlings) 

106 empty shells
 22 unhatched eggs
 128 total eggs 

106-3/128 = 80% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 9 Kathy, Sue & Anne ~ 6/04 ~ Zone 2 
93 eggs were relocated to an area above the spring high tide line opposite POA-8.

 Expect hatch date 6/04 + 63 = 8/07

 First emergence 8/05

 Inventoried 8/11 (0 dead hatchlings)

 85 empty shells
   8 unhatched eggs
 93 total eggs

 85/93 = 91% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 10 Karen N. & Linda L. ~  6/05 ~ zone 2 Relocated 147 eggs behind the spring high tide line close to the rocks and north of Rock Beauty Rd. 

Expect hatch date 6/05 + 63 = 8/01

 First emergence 8/07

 Inventoried 8/14 (0 dead hatchlings)

 136 empty shells
     11 unhatched eggs
 147 total eggs

 136/147 = 92% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 11 Karen N., Eric G. & Brandon H. ~  6/07 ~ zone 1. Relocated 80 eggs from in front of CJF Villas to area just north of Rock Beauty Road.

 Expect hatch date 6/07 + 63 = 8/10 

First emergence 8/07 

Inventoried 8/14 (0 dead hatchlings)

 74 empty shells
 6 unhatched eggs
 80 total eggs

 74/80 = 92% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 12 Karen N. ~ nest 12 ~ 6/07 ~ zone 2 Relocated 114 eggs to area just south of B. Edwards house (just north of POA 2) on the face of small dune. 

Expect hatch date 6/07 + 63 = 8/10 

Nest 12 was lost to erosion on 7/21

Nest 13 Karen N, Darnell K. & Mary G. Nest 13 ~ 6/08 ~ Zone 1 Left in "situ" just behind nest 12.

 This turtle crawled through 12 to get to the top of the dune. 

Expect hatch date 6/08 + 63 = 8/11

First emergence 8/11 

Inventoried 8/15 (0 dead hatchlings)

 62 empty shells
 84 unhatched eggs
 146 total eggs

 62/84 = 42% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 14 Georgia R. ~ nest 14 ~ 6/08 ~ Zone 2 Relocated 123 eggs from tide line just south of POA 14 to the face of a small dune just to the north of POA 6. 

Expect hatch date 6/08 + 63 = 8/11 

First emergence 8/08 

Inventoried 8/06 (1 dead hatchlings) 

119 empty shells 
     4 unhatched eggs
 123 total eggs

 119-1/123 = 96% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 15 Kathy K. & Anne A. ~ 6/11 ~ zone 2 Found near the Beach Club stairway. The top of the nest was close to the surface and had 6 broken eggs. The remaining 102 eggs were relocated into zone 1 just to the north of POA 5.

 Expect hatch date 6/11 + 63 = 8/14

 First emergence 8/09

 Inventoried 8/12 (0 dead hatchlings)

   89 empty shells
   13 unhatched eggs
 102 total eggs

 89/102 = 87% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 16 Nancy &Hutch ~ nest 16 ~ 6/12 ~ Zone 1 Found on the front slope of a small dune just south of POA 3 (the old Collings house). The nest was left "in situ" .

 Expect hatch date 6/12 + 63 = 8/15

 Over washed during spring tide 7/21

 First emergence 8/09

 Inventoried 8/12 (5 dead hatchlings)

 15 empty shells
 66 unhatched eggs
 81 total eggs

 15-5/81 = 12% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 17 Alden , Nancy &Hutch ~  6/12 ~ Zone 1 Laid at the POA 1 access forward of the spring tide wrack line. Two eggs were broken. Relocated 127 eggs to face of a small dune just south of POA 3 next to nest 16. This turtle had been observed by Penelope & Ollie at ~10:30 p.m. the previous night. 

Expect hatch date 6/12 + 63 = 8/15

 Over washed during spring tide 7/21

 First emergence 8/09

 Inventoried 8/12 (0 dead hatchlings)

 116 empty shells
    11 unhatched eggs
 127 total eggs

 116/127 = 81% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 18 Linda L., Lois W. & Karen N. ~ nest 18 ~ 6/12 ~ zone 2 Just north of POA 12 in a low area. One egg was broken. Relocated 90 eggs to area just north of CP between nests 4 & 14. They also found a false crawl south of the Beach Club in zone 2. 

Expect hatch date 6/12 + 63 = 8/15 

First emergence 8/14 

Inventoried 8/17 (0 dead hatchlings) 

 87 empty shells
   3 unhatched eggs
 90 total eggs 

87/90 = 98% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 19 Tony N. ~ nest 19 ~ 6/13 ~ Zone 1 Unfortunately all evidence of any nesting activity on Tuesday night was obliterated by blowing sand. Fortunately a family from Birmingham Alabama was out at midnight and did see a loggerhead lay ~105 eggs. They marked the location and led me to it the next morning. 
It was left "in situ" on the top of a dune south of POA 1. Our thanks go out to; Lynn & David Carmichael, David & Millie Brannon and David Hollingshead. 

Expect hatch date 6/13 + 63 = 8/16 

Nest 19 was lost to erosion on 7/21

Nest 20 Lorrie, Jennifer, Glenn & Karen N. ~ Sunday, 6/17 ~ zone 1 Just south of POA 1 in the back of the dune line. 
They relocated 96 eggs to the face of the dune just south of nest 12. 

Expect hatch date 6/17 + 63 = 8/19 

Nest 20 was lost to erosion on 7/21

Nest 21 Kathy, Anne &Tony  ~ 6/18 ~ zone 2 Just above the spring tide line between POA 13 & POA 14. The nest was left "in situ".

 Expect hatch date 6/18 + 56 = 8/13 

Over washed during spring tide 7/21

 First emergence 8/16. Unfortunately most of the hatchlings were attracted to artificial lights and marched inland from the nest and never found the ocean.

 Inventoried 8/19 (0 dead hatchlings)

 152 empty shells
   12 unhatched eggs
 164 total eggs

 (largest nest of the season lost to house lights)

 152/164 = 93% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 22 Kathy & Anne ~ nest 22 ~ 6/18
 Below the spring tide line in the middle of zone 2. Ghost crabs had pulled some eggs out and ten eggs were broken. 133 eggs were relocated to a small dune just south of POA 5.

 Expect hatch date 6/18 + 56 = 8/13

 First emergence 8/16 

Inventoried 8/19 (0 dead hatchlings)

   85 empty shells
   48 unhatched eggs
 133 total eggs

 85/133 = 64% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 23 Mary, Darnell & Phyllis ~ nest 23 ~ 6/20 In zone 1 in the low area south of POA 1. They relocated 143 eggs to the face of a small dune between POA 1 and POA 2 next to Nest 8. Karen and Lorrie had been out on night patrol the previous evening and observed this turtle while nesting at ~10:00 p.m. 

Expect hatch date 6/20 + 56 = 8/15 Over washed during spring tide 7/21

 First emergence 8/15 

Inventoried 8/17 (0 dead hatchlings) 

           138 empty shells 
           5 unhatched eggs
            143 total eggs 

           138/143 = 96% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 24 Darnell & Mary, found nest 24 today, Friday, 6/22 in zone 1 well back behind the spring tide line and just opposite POA 2. The nest was left "in situ". 

Expect hatch date 6/22 +56 = 8/18 

First emergence 8/16 

Inventoried 8/19 (0 dead hatchlings) 

           53 empty shells 
           26 unhatched eggs
           79 total eggs 

           53/79 = 67% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 25 Phyllis & Mary, found nest 25 today, Monday, 6/25 in zone 1 well back behind the spring tide line and just to the north side of the C. P. The nest was left "in situ". This was a tough one to find as there were three disturbed areas to investigate and the nest cavity was at the rear edge of the last body pit. Alden, Anne, and Karen assisted in the search.

 Expect hatch date 6/25 +56 = 8/21

 First emergence 8/21

 Inventoried 8/24 (0 dead hatchlings) 

           87 empty shells 
           27 unhatched eggs 
           114 total eggs 

           87/114 = 76% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 26 Darnell & Mary, ~ nest 26 Friday, 6/29 in zone 1 beyond the crest of a dune just to the north of POA 2. The nest was left "in situ".

 Expect hatch date 6/29 + 56 = 8/25

 First emergence 8/19 

           Inventoried 8/22 (0 dead hatchlings) 

           102 empty shells
            2 unhatched eggs
          104 total eggs 

           102/104 = 98% successful hatch & emergence *

Nest 27 Sue, Kathy & Georgia ~ nest 27 Saturday, 6/30 in zone 2, below the spring tide line and just north of Rock Beauty Rd. 138 eggs were relocated to a higher location closer to the rock revetment in the same general area. 

Expect hatch date 6/30 +56 = 8/26

 First emergence 8/21

 Inventoried 8/24 (2 dead hatchlings)

            131 empty shells 
               7 unhatched eggs
            138 total eggs 

           131-2/138 = 93% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 28 Alden, Karen C. & Stacey C. ~ nest 28 Saturday, 6/30 in zone 2, below the spring tide line . 132 eggs were relocated to the face of the dune just north of the CP. next to nest 25. 

           Expect hatch date 6/30 + 56 = 8/26 

           First emergence 8/22

            Inventoried 8/25 (0 dead hatchlings)
 115 empty shells
 17 unhatched eggs
132 total eggs 

115/132 = 87% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 29 Jamie, Tina & Karen N. ~ nest 29 Sunday, 7/01, in zone 1 south of POA 1 and below the spring tide line. 137 eggs relocated just north of POA 2 next to nest 20.

 Expect hatch date 7/01 +56 = 8/27

 Nest 29 was lost to erosion on 7/21

Nest 30 Kathy & Anne ~ nest 30 Monday, 7/02, in a low area of zone 2 north of Rock Beauty Road. 128 eggs were relocated next to nest 27.

 Expect hatch date 7/02 + 56 = 8/28

 First emergence 8/23

 Inventoried 8/26 (0 dead hatchlings) 

           83 empty shells
            45 unhatched eggs
            128 total eggs

            83/128 = 64% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 31 Georgia, Bruce, Nancy & Hutch ~ nest 31 Friday, 7/06, just north of POA 12 (Swordfish) below the spring tide line. The deposition of these eggs were witnessed by Phyllis, Mary, Karen and myself. 151 eggs were moved to the dune near POA 6. 

Expect hatch date 7/06 + 56 = 9/01

First emergence 8/30

            Inventoried 9/02 (0 dead hatchlings)

            100 empty shells
            51 unhatched eggs
           151 total eggs

            100/151 = 66% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 32 Georgia, Bruce, Nancy & Hutch ~ nest 32 Friday, 7/06, in front of the Beach Club. 105 eggs were relocated to a dune opposite POA 14.

 Expect hatch date 7/06 + 56 = 9/01

First emergence 8/28 

           Inventoried 8/31 (1 dead hatchlings) 

           88 empty shells
            17 unhatched eggs 
           105 total eggs 88-1/105 = 83% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 33 Mary, Phyllis, & Penny ~ nest 33 Friday, 7/06, just north of POA 3. Confirmed by Georgia & Tony. Georgia, Bruce & Ellie T. (our poster girl from last year) relocated 120 eggs further back behind the spring tide line.

 Expect hatch date 7/06 + 56 = 9/01

 Over washed during spring tide 7/21

 First emergence 8/28 

 Inventoried 8/31 (0 dead hatchlings)

            100 empty shells
            20 unhatched eggs
           120 total eggs

            100/120 = 83% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 34 Georgia, Karen, & Jamie ~ nest 34 Sunday, 7/08, zone 2 south of Rock Beauty Rd. Georgia and Bruce watched this turtle nest at 11:00 p.m. the previous night. 118 eggs relocated to the dune just north of POA 6.

 Expect hatch date 7/08 + 56 = 9/03

 First emergence 9/01

 Inventoried 09/03 (0 dead hatchlings) 

           107 empty shells
            11 unhatched eggs
           118 total eggs

            107/118 = 91% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 35 Georgia, Karen, & Jamie ~ nest 35 Sunday, 7/08, zone 2 south of Rock Beauty Rd. Ellie Tedesco and her family watched this turtle nest at 05:00. 110 eggs were relocated to the dune just North of POA 6.

 Expect hatch date 7/08 + 63 = 9/10

 First emergence 9/02 

 Inventoried 9/05 (1 dead hatchling)

            80 empty shells
            30 unhatched eggs 
           110 total eggs

            80-1/110 = 72% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 36 Alden, Nancy and Hutch ~ nest 36 Tuesday, 7/10, zone 1 between POA 3 and POA 4, left "in situ". 

Expect hatch date 7/10 +56 = 9/05

 Over washed during spring tide 7/21

 First emergence 8/31

 Inventoried 9/03 (0 dead hatchlings)

             91 empty shells
             5 unhatched eggs
            96 total eggs

 91/95 = 96% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 37 Alden, Mary, & Tony ~ nest 37 Wednesday, 7/11, zone 2, below the spring tide line. Two eggs were broken. 143 eggs were relocated to the face of the dune just north of the Control Point. next to nest 22.

 Expect hatch date 7/10 + 56 = 9/05

 First emergence 9/02

 Inventoried 8/05 (0 dead hatchlings) 

            133 empty shells 
            10 unhatched eggs 
            143 total eggs 

            133/143 = 93% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 38 Alden, Mary, & Tony ~ nest 38 Wednesday, 7/11, zone 2, below the spring tide line. 137 eggs were relocated to the face of the dune just north of POA 5 next to nest 4.

 Expect hatch date 7/10 + 56 = 9/05

 First emergence 9/03

 Inventoried 9/06 (0 dead hatchlings)

             116 empty shells
             21 unhatched eggs
             137 total eggs

             116/137 = 85% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 39 Stephanie I. & Karen ~ nest 39 Thursday, 7/12, zone 2, below the spring tide line. 105 eggs relocated to the face of the dune south of POA 5 next to Nest 15.

 Expect hatch date 7/12 + 56 = 9/07 

First emergence 8/31

 Inventoried 9/02 (0 dead hatchlings)

             100 empty shells
             5 unhatched eggs
             105 total eggs 

            100/105 = 95% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 40 Nancy, Alden, Megan & Molly ~ nest 40 Tuesday, 7/17, zone 1, below the spring tide line. Megan & Molly Eyler had observed this turtle making her way back to the sea at 05:00. 106 eggs were relocated to the face of a dune just opposite POA 3.

 Expect hatch date 7/17 +56 = 9/12 

 First emergence 9/8

             Inventoried 9/11 (0 dead hatchlings)

             86 empty shells
             20 unhatched eggs
             106 total eggs

 86/106 = 81% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 41 Karen N., Stephanie I. and Arvest S. ~ nest 41 Thursday, 7/19, zone 2 below the spring tide line. Arvest had observed this turtle covering her nest at 5:00 a.m. and was called upon to assist in locating the egg chamber. With Abby's help 98 eggs were relocated to an area just north of Rock Beauty Rd. next to nest 10.

 Expect hatch date 7/19 + 56 = 9/14 

 First emergence 9/10

 Inventoried 9/13 (0 dead hatchlings)

             86 empty shells
             12 unhatched eggs
             98 total eggs

             86/98 = 88% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 42 Lorrie, Jenny, Glenn & Karen N. found nest 42 Sunday, 07/22, in zone 2 just north of POA 12. 113 eggs relocated to area just north of Control Point. Megan & Molly Eyler along with the younger members of the Eyler family had observed this turtle while she nested.

 Expect hatch date 7/22 + 56 = 9/17

 First emergence 9/11

 Inventoried 9/14 (5 dead hatchlings) 

            84 empty shells
             24 unhatched eggs
             113 total eggs

             84-5/113 = 70% successful hatch & emergence

Nest 43 Alden, Nancy & Hutch ~ nest 43 ~ zone 1 Tuesday, 7/24 at POA 1. Turtle made 2 previous attempts before finding dry sand. Two eggs were broken. 89 eggs were relocated to the area north of POA 6.

 Expect hatch date 7/24 + 56 = 9/19

 First emergence 9/14

 Inventoried 9/17 (0 dead hatchlings)

             75 empty shells
             14 unhatched eggs
             89 total eggs

             75/89 = 84% successful hatch & emergence


Of the 43 nests laid, 5 were completely lost due to flooding or erosion. The average success rate of the remaining 38 nests was 82% with relocated nests showing an 11% higher success rate than "in situ" nests. The average success rate of the 28 relocated nests was 85% The average success rate of the 10 "in situ" nests was 74% Our first nest was deposited on the 22 of May, our last was on August 24th. Our largest nest was nest no. 21 with 164 eggs. Our smallest nest was no. 24 with 79. The average number of eggs per nest was 116. Our best nests were no's 18 & 26 each with 98% of the eggs successfully hatching. A total of 3864 hatchlings emerged from the 4991 eggs deposited this season on Fripp Island.
A. Natoli

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