2010 Nest Data  & Summary

Monday, May 17th

Nest 1  Kathy Agee, Collins Strickland, Kelly & Sam Taylor located Fripp's first nest of the season this morning at the very North end of the island near the revetment in front of the tidal pool. 123 eggs were relocated to a dune in the POA 2 area.
 Inventoried 7/21 (0 dead hatchlings)

     1 egg taken for study
   40 un-hatched eggs
   83 empty shells
 124 total eggs 
 83/124 = 67% hatch rate - 67% emergence

Friday, May 21st

Nest 2 Found south of POA 21 by Rich Combes who spotted the tracks, and the eggs were located by Jane TenEyck after several probes. There were 106 "good" eggs and 21 eggs destroyed by crabs, for a total of 127. With assistance by Ben TenEyck, Cyndi White and yours truly , the team relocated the nest to just south of POA 6 in hopefully a great and safe location for the incubation period. Robbie White Inventoried 7/21 (0 dead hatchlings)

Inventoried 7/21 (0 dead hatchlings)

   21 eggs predated (1 predated egg taken for study)
   10 un-hatched eggs
   96 empty shells
 127 total eggs 
96/127 = 76% hatch rate - 76% emergence

Wednesday, June 2nd

Nest 3  in Zone 1, near POA 4. The tracks were above the high tide line (about midnight) and the nest was easy for Kathy G to find - her first nest. Ron G went for the posts and helped dig the new nest. We were all encouraged by friends Martha and Dickie B, and of course our leader Janie who took an egg for DNA testing. We relocated 126 eggs to a small dune near POA 3. Betsy K

Inventoried 7/24 (2 dead hatchlings)

     1 egg taken for study
   15 un-hatched eggs
 111 empty shells
127 total eggs 
111/127 = 87% hatch rate - 86% emergence

Thursday, June 3rd

Nest 4 Betsy Richards & Rich Combes (and Spanky) found Nest 4 just north of POA 3 marker on the beach. It was Betsy’s first! We considered leaving the nest in situ, but the eggs only had a few inches of sand covering them and crabs were already in the eggs. With help from Cyndi & Robbie White, we relocated 109 eggs about 50 feet north of original nest to a location next to Nest 3 at POA 3. The nest had 115 eggs, with 6 of these destroyed by crabs. Crabs had left one egg with yolk intact, and we used that for DNA sample. Rich C.

Inventoried 7/26 (1 dead hatchling)

     6  eggs predated (1 predated egg taken for study)
     3  un-hatched eggs
 106  empty shells
115   total eggs 
106/115 = 92% hatch rate - 91% emergence

Saturday, June 5th

Nest 5 Team Betsy Koehler, Betsy Richards, Dickie and Martha Blanchard, and Pat Rowell. The nest was found just South of POA 5, and 101 eggs were relocated to the dune directly behind where it was found. We probed for 15-20 minutes before finding the nest, which was relatively deep at about 10-12 inches below the sand. The sand was also relatively packed, probably due to the heavy rain last night, which made it difficult to find. The eggs were probably laid either just before or during the rain storm. No eggs were lost to probing or crabs.
Thanks to all of you for letting me visit your Island every week to participate in the Loggerhead program. I love the drive out there, the walks on the beach, the friendships, and the blessings and wonder of the Loggerhead turtles. Pat R.

Inventoried 7/29 (2 dead hatchlings)

     1  egg taken for study
   14  un-hatched eggs
   87  empty shells
 102   total eggs 

 Sorry, the remaining nest data was lost however DNR has the Summary.

Nests: 25
  In Situ: 4
  Relocated: 21 (84%)
  Inventoried: 25 (100%)
False Crawls: 38

2010 Summary2010 Summary