Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Fripp Islands first
Leatherback nest.
Nest 23 We had the first leatherback nest ever on
Fripp. The
body pit was huge, along with
the tracks. Robbie went for supplies while Cyndi
and Mary probed . We were lucky to find it
quickly, with such a large pit to explore. What a
fantastic first nest ever for Linda. The nest was
laid at POA #22, There
were 77 eggs along with 33 spacer eggs of different
sizes. .... The
spacer eggs were put into the new nest approximately
where they were in the original nest. The nest had
one sloping side (like a slide) with a little
bowling out on the other side. It
was very deep, close to the top of the probe when
put in the hole. Some of the eggs were embedded
under a ridge at the top of the nest. The
eggs are about the size of a cue ball. Robbie
& Cyndi
White, Mary Gnau, Linda Urbanski.