2017 Nest Data

Friday, May 05 from Tony Natoli

Nest 01 was found just north of POA 25. Nest was left in situ. 1 egg taken for research. Merilyn S., Calvin S., Tony N., Karen N., Kim M. and Linda U.

Saturday, May 06 from Jessica Miller

Nest 02 was found in front of POA 08 this morning. The tracks and body pit were mostly blown away, but luckily our turtle senses were on point! Jim Candee and I relocated 120 eggs to the foot of the dunes while Michael Beach finished the walk north. 1 eggs was taken for research. Thanks to Janie and Kay Smith for bringing us supplies! Jessica, Jim & Michael.

Sunday, May 07 from Karen Natoli

Nest 03 at POA 09 and was left insitu. This nest was laid on Saturday, May 06.
Anthony N. Karen N.

Tuesday, May 09 from Janie Lackman

Nest 04 was located this morning by North Team just south of POA 02.  The mama was just returning to the ocean when we arrived.  Renata & Treasure were waving us on so we wouldn't miss her as she headed back into the big blue. Rick K located the nest.  It was left insitu with one egg taken for research.

Wednesday, May 10 from Janie Lackman

Nest 05 was located this morning midpoint POA 01 & POA 02.  It was left insitu with one egg taken for research. ...  Betsy K, Laura M & Debbie S.

Thursday, May 11 from Janie Lackman

Nest 06 was located this morning just North of POA 16.  It was left insitu with one egg taken for research. 

 Thursday, May 11 from Janie Lackman

Nest 07 was located this morning midpoint POA 23-24.  It was also left insitu with one egg taken for research. Rick K, Kathlyn G and Janie L., Laura & Dwight S, Mary S.

Saturday, May 13 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 08 Seems like our turtles this year like the stairs! Look where we found this nest! Classic body pit, lots of thrown sand, loose vegetation, I found the nest with just a few probes! We left the nest in situ, just south of access POA 25. (one egg taken for research) Cheerful team, despite the rain! Kathlyn, Merilyn, Janie and Betsy.

Tuesday, May 16 From Betsy Koehler

Nest 09 was found this morning at POA 28.  We relocated 133 eggs to a new nest at POA 22, I egg taken for research.... Merilyn, Rich and Betsy.

Wednesday, May 17 from Karen Natoli

Nest 10 was found today, 5/17/17, by Kim M. at POA 24 and was left Insitu.

Wednesday, May 17 from Karen Natoli

Nest 11 was found today, 5/17/17, by Karen N. just north of POA 25 and was left insitu.

Wednesday, May 17 from Karen Natoli

Nest 12 was found today, 5/17/17, by Kim M. at POA 26, and 141 eggs were relocated to POA 24 

Thursday, May 18, from Janie Lackman

Nest 13 was missed on Wednesday May 17 but located today the 18th midpoint POA #30-31. It was left insitu with one egg taken for research. Rick K., Sarah F., Dick and Nena M.

Friday, May 19 from Karen Natoli

Nest 14 was found today, 5/19/17 by Linda U. between POA24 and POA25
and left insitu. 1 egg taken for research. Thanks Debby for taking our photo!
Karen N., Kim M., Tony N., Linda U., Merylin S.

Saturday, May 20 from Michael Beach

Nest 15 was just over the ridge of the first dune, north of POA 2 and left in situ....
Jessica, Tyler, Pat, Lucky and Michael.

Sunday, May 21 from Deborah Candee

Nest 16 was located just south of POA 22. Results of a crab hole excavation were negative. Probing of the body pit commenced. The nest was located almost immediately by Travis S. 110 eggs were located and were relocated just north of POA 22. One egg taken for research. Great job Travis, Kathlyn, Rich C, Deb, Jim, Kathy (thank you for the notes), and a host of others. Thanks to Janie and crew for getting the supplies!

Wednesday, May 24 from Karen Natoli

Nest 17 was found by Jane M. at POA 27. 114 eggs relocated to an area just north of POA 22. Thanks to Pat and Kim for digging the new hole and helping
to relocate the eggs. Jane M, Karen N, Tony N, Kim M, Pat S.

Wednesday, May 24, from Janie Lackman

Nest 18 just North of POA 02. It was left insitu with one egg taken for research. Debbie S, Kyra R, Laura M and Betsy K.

Thursday, May 25 from Janie Lackman 

Nest 19 Had a call around 6am for a turtle on the beach just South of POA 21. She had just finished nesting and was heading back to the ocean. Ran home and got supplies then started the South walk with new turtlers, Dick M & Sarah F. Congratulations to Dick M for finding the nest. 128 eggs were relocated to a dune in the same area by Dick & Sarah with one egg taken for research. Sarah F, Dick M & Janie L.

Friday, May 26 from Janie Lackman 

Nest 20 was located by Katherine S. just North of POA#2 (and Nest#15). 100 eggs were relocated to a dune in the same area with one broken egg used for research. Katherine S, Margit R and Janie L.

Friday, May 26 from Janie Lackman

Nest 21 was located by Margit R mid point POA 01 - POA 02. It was left insitu with one egg taken for research. Katherine S, Margit R and Janie L.

Saturday, May 27 from Janie Lackman

 Nest 22 Located midpoint POA 26-27 by Claire and Megan. After locating the nest, Kay went to get supplies while Merilyn and Sandy took the eggs out of the original nest. 133 eggs were moved into a new nest just North of POA 22 dug by Sandy with Kay and Merilyn relocating the eggs. Special thanks to Pete and Liz for giving the eggs a lift to POA 22. 2 broken eggs were used for research. Sandy C, Kay S, Merilyn S, Sarah K, Kyra R and junior turtlers Claire and Megan.

Monday, May 29 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 23 Located south of POA 24. Left in situ taking one egg for research. Jessica, Sarah, Travis and Betsy

Monday, May 29 from Janie Lackman

Nest 24 Located midpoint POA 02-03. She climbed the escarpment to make a tidy nest. There were no visible tracks beyond the climb. Small body pit showed all the classic signs - uprooted vegetation, thrown sand. Kay quickly located the nest. 121 eggs were relocated to higher location not in danger of collapse just North of POA 02. 1 egg was taken for research. Kay S, Nelle P. and Janie L.

Tuesday, May 30 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 25 – There were three body pits at POA #22, and Mary found the eggs in the last body pit.  We relocated 120 eggs to higher ground at POA #22.

Tuesday, May 30 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 26 - Claire and Megan saw the tracks and led Robbie to the body pit  north of POA 26, while Cyndi and Mary explored the unusual tracks for nest 25.  It was a classic body pit and Robbie located the eggs quickly. North End team Rick and Sarah relocated 98 eggs and 1 for research to POA 22.

Tuesday, May 30 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 27  Nest was right up against the rocks just south of  POA 27  & in an improbable location. The field signs were that the turtle was on the beach at least 1 ½ hours based on the tides and tracks and of course thrown sand.  Merilyn spotted the track and probed extensively. Robbie came to assist after finding Nest 26, and  located the nest by probing what he considered too close to the rocks, but the only place Merilyn had not probed.  89 eggs in the ground and 1 for research moved to POA 22. Rick, Janie, Robbie, Merylin, Cyndi, Sarah, Claire, Megan & Mary

Thursday, June 01 from Kathy Dunne

Nest 28 Between POA access 01 and 02.  After probing, Robbie found the nest and it was moved to south of POA 02.  Dwight dug the new hole, and he and Laura relocated  137 eggs, with an additional one taken for research. 

Thursday, June 01 from Janie Lackman

Nest 29 South POA 24, left insitu with one egg taken for research.

Thursday, June 01 from Janie Lackman

Nest 30 Located S POA 31 by new turtler, Nena M.  137 eggs were relocated to a safer location North of POA 22.  One broken egg was used for research.

Thursday, June 01 from Kathy Dunne

Nest 31 Found north of POA 14. Clearly a very intelligent turtle, the nest was located perfectly atop a dune. It was left in situ, with one egg taken for research. 

 Saturday, June 03 from Janie Lackman

Nest 32 was located at POA 20 by Kay. 124 eggs were relocated to a dune in the same area with two broken eggs used for research. Sandy C, Betsy K, Kay S & Janie L.

Saturday, June 03 from Janie Lackman

Nest 33 was located South of POA 25. 107 eggs were relocated to POA 20 with one egg taken for research. This was a very deep nest! Special thanks to Maggie for helping us count the eggs :) Sandy C, Betsy K, Kay S & Janie L.

Saturday, June 03 from Janie Lackman

Nest 34 was located at POA 27. 117 eggs were relocated to POA 20 with one egg taken for research. This nest was up against a rock on one side. Sandy C, Betsy K, Kay S & Janie L.

Tuesday, June 06 from Cyndi White

Nest 35 was found by Robbie between POA 24 & POA 25. 98 eggs were placed in a new nest north of POA 22, and an additional egg was taken for research.

Tuesday, June 06 from Cyndi White

Nest 36 was found after much probing by the team. It was found between POA 30 & 31, and moved north of POA 22. 121 eggs were put in the nest, with an additional egg taken for research. Merilyn, Mary, Robbie and Cyndi.

Wednesday, June 07 from Janie Lackman

Nest 37 was located just North of POA 04 by Debbie S this morning. It was a shallow nest but mama turtle had crawled a long way to make it up to the dunes to find just the right spot to nest. It was left insitu with one egg taken for research. Happy Birthday Nest to Betsy K (and we made it off the beach before the rain started :) Betsy K, Laura M, Debbie S and Janie L. 

Friday, June 09 from Karen Natoli

Nest 38 was found by Pat S., and Kim M. South of POA 23. 129 eggs relocated to an area just South of POA 21. Kim M, Pat S, Tony N, Karen N.

Sunday, June 11 from Jim Candee

Nest 39 located just south of POA 24. 132 eggs found with 131 eggs (one for research) relocated to north POA 21. Rich C, Deb C, Jim C, Kathlyn G.

Monday, June 12 from Janie Lackman

Nest 40 was located at POA 12. 114 eggs were relocated straight back to a dune in the same area with one egg taken for research. Nelle P, Kay S and Janie L

Monday, June 12 from Janie Lackman

Nest 41 Located in front of the escarpment just North of POA 02. The turtle attempted to climb the escarpment then gave up and laid at the foot of it. 127 eggs were relocated to a dune in the same area (near Nest 24) with one egg taken for research. Nelle P, Kay S and Janie L

Monday, June 12 from Jessica Miller

Nest 42 was located by Betsy at POA 21. Sarah and Betsy relocated 121 eggs a little higher to the dunes at the same access. A perfect egg was found in the outgoing track, and after Sarah found a crab-predated shell in the body pit we decided to place the track egg in the new nest and kept the predated egg for DNA.

Monday, June 12 from Jessica Miller

Nest 43 was found close to POA 23 and was left in situ with one egg taken for DNA.

Tuesday, June 13 from Cyndi White

Nest 44 Sandy Click, subbing for Marilyn, found a nest at POA 24, and we relocated 146 eggs just south of POA 21. Mary Gnau, Sandy Click, Robbie and Cyndi White.

Wednesday, June 14 from Karen Natoli

Nest 45 was found  by Kim S. at POA 31.
138 eggs were relocated to an area just south of POA 21.
1 taken for research, total of 139 eggs.

Wednesday, June 14 from Karen Natoli

Nest 46 was found after probing a suspicious X out crawl south of 31. Nest was left insitu, as it was not a nest from today but from Monday 6/12 and could not be moved. 1 egg taken for research. Kim S., Linda S., Pat S., Karen N., Kathy D. and her Sister Barbara

Thursday, June 15 from Cyndi White

Nest 47 was found by Robbie between POA 1 & 2, and was moved back into the dunes. 148 eggs were relocated plus another one taken for research. Jane M., Laura, Dwight, Robbie, & Cyndi W.

Thursday, June 15 from Cyndi White

Nest 48 was found by Cyndi north of POA 04 and moved back to a dune.  136
eggs were placed in the hole and one taken for research. Jane M., Laura, Dwight, Robbie, & Cyndi W.

Thursday, June 15 from Janie Lackman

Nest 49 was located just south of POA 22 by Dick M.  124 eggs were relocated to a dune north of POA 21 with one egg taken for research. Rick K, Dick M, Nena M.

Thursday, June 15 from Cyndi White

Nest 50 was North of POA 02, found by Robbie, and moved between POA 01 & 02.
126 eggs were relocated plus one for research. Jane M., Laura, Dwight, Robbie, & Cyndi W.

Friday, June 16 from Janie Lackman

Nest 51 was located just North of POA 02 by Katherine. The turtle laid at the foot of the escarpment. 111 eggs were relocated by Margit and Dillon to a dune in the same area with one broken egg used for research. 

Friday, June 16 from Janie Lackman

Nest 52 was located slightly farther North of POA 02 by Dillon. We had been alerted to this crawl by Rich C. Unfortunately, the ghost crabs had quite a buffet before we got there.  We found a broken eggshell on the top of the body pit by a ghost crab hole.  Dillon dug out the crab hole to locate a shallow nest.  We found in total 4 egg shells from the crabs. 2 of these broken eggs were used for research.  Katherine and Dillon relocated 117 eggs to a dune in the same area while Margit got supplies.

Saturday, June 17 from Janie Lackman

Nest 53 North of POA 24. Betsy located the nest. 132 eggs were relocated to south of POA 21 with one egg taken for research.

Saturday, June 17 from Janie Lackman

Nest 54 was just slightly down the beach at POA 24. Unfortunately, the crabs had been into this one. We found 2 broken egg shells and one egg in a strange portion of the body pit about 2 ft. from the nest. We relocated 136 eggs to south of POA 21.

Saturday, June 17 from Michael Beach

Nest 55 was located next to POA 02, not far from the end of the walkway. Mama turtle climbed up the embankment to nest in the soft sand just above the end of the ledge. Since this is in danger from high tides later this month, we relocated 141 eggs north of POA  02 with one for research. 

Saturday, June 17 from Janie Lackman

Nest 56 was located midpoint POA 27 & POA 28. 116 eggs were relocated to north of POA 21 with one egg taken for research. 

Saturday, June 17 from Janie Lackman

Nest 57 was located just north of POA 28. She had nested up against the rocks with the bottom of the nest on top of a rock. 85 eggs were relocated to north of POA 21 with one egg taken for research.

Saturday, June 17 from Michael Beach

Nest 58 Rich Combes had reported seeing tracks between POA 01 and POA 02 earlier that morning, so we found and tracked them into the tidal pool that is between POA 01 and POA 02. ...There was also a large body pit between the surf and the tidal pool.. we relocated it [the nest] south, closer to the other nests just a bit north of POA 02. 93 eggs relocated, one for research. 

Sunday, June 18, from Cyndi White

Nest 59 was found S. of POA 30 by Jim, after much probing and then removing a layer of sand. 128 eggs were relocated North of POA 21, with 2 broken eggs taken for research.

Sunday, June 18, from Cyndi White

Nest 60 was found N of POA 30 by Cyndi after lots of probing and removing about 6" of sand. It was very deep, and we moved 139 eggs, after taking one for research, to North of POA 21.

Sunday, June 18, from Cyndi White

Nest 61 was found at POA 24 by Nelle after very little probing. 128 eggs were relocated North of POA 21 and 1 taken for research.

Monday, June 19 from Jessica Miller

Nest 62 was found by Travis between POA 30 and POA 31. The mama came inches away from hitting the stakes for nest 13! While I finished the walk, Travis and Sarah began unearthing the eggs while Betsy got supplies. 121 eggs were relocated to in between POA 20 and POA 21 and 1 was taken for DNA. 

Monday, June 19 from Jessica Miller

Nest 63 was found by me just north of access 25. This nest was right in line with other in situ nests in the area, so we left it in situ and took one for DNA. This nest was deep!

Wednesday, June 21 from Linda Sigafoos

 Nest 64 Located just North of POA 18 by Linda S and left insitu just behind a dune.

Wednesday, June 21 from Linda Sigafoos

Nest 65 Located S of POA 26 by Kim M.   160 eggs were in the nest, 1 egg taken for research, 159 eggs relocated just North of POA 18.

Wednesday, June 21 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 66 Just north of POA 02. relocated to dunes in the same area. 145 eggs in the nest, one for DNA research.

Wednesday, June 21 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 67 had 131 eggs relocated to dunes in the same area plus one for research.

Saturday, June 24 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 68 was found at POA 17, just above last night’s king tide line. 110 eggs were relocated to a dune nearby, one small egg with no yolk!! (maybe the first to be laid) was taken for research.

Saturday, June 24 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 69 was found at POA 25, 122 eggs were relocated to a dune near POA 20, 1 for research.

Monday, June 26 from Janie Lackman

Nest 70 - north of POA 02 to POA 01.... classic body pit. Kay S. located the nest and it was left Insitu with one egg taken for research.

Monday, June 26 from Janie Lackman

Nest 71 was located midpoint POA 01 - POA 02. The tracks for this turtle and the rambling turtle crossed on several spots but there was a clear body pit. 131 eggs were relocated to a safer location north of POA 02 with one egg taken for research.

Tuesday, June 27 from Robbie White

Nest 72 was laid between POA 24 & POA 25. I located the eggs after Mary , Cyndi & I probed a few minutes. We relocated to south of POA 21 with 148 eggs in the hole. 

Tuesday, June 27 from Robbie White

Nest 73 was laid at POA 27. Mama Turtle appeared to be harassed. After laying she crawled for a couple of hundred yards up and down the beach. I’m guessing she came in near high tide which was at 11pm & that she did not get back into the water until after 3am by the tracks. Merilyn found the eggs and we relocated 111 eggs in the hole north of POA 22.

Tuesday, June 27 from Robbie White

Nest 74 was laid north of POA 26 along the rocks. Mama Turtle started to dig a hole, hit a rock, dug 2 more holes, hit rocks and then proceeded to find just the right spot a few feet away and laid 82 eggs. Janie found the eggs and Rick & Sarah helped to relocate just north of POA 22 where they put 81 eggs in the hole

Wednesday, June 28 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 75 was found today right behind the king tide line at POA 05.
137 eggs were relocated to a nearby dune, one taken for DNA research.
The new nest is beside Nest 37 which our team found 3 weeks ago!

Thursday, June 29 from Cyndi White

Nest 76 was easily found today at the new survey markers at POA 16. It
was a classic body pit. There was a crab hole, so we didn't even probe,
just dug down at the hole. 1 egg was broken by a crab, and 104 eggs were
relocated to a nearby dune.

Thursday, June 29 from Janie Lackman

Nest 77 was located just north of POA 31 by new turtler, Nena M. Nena & Dick M relocated 74 eggs to a dune north of POA 22 with one broken egg used for research. 

Friday, June 30 from Tony Natoli

Nest 78 was found just north of POA 29. 125 eggs total. Relocated 124 eggs just south of POA 17. 1 egg taken
for research.

Saturday, July 01 from Janie Lackman

Nest 79 at POA 22. The turtle crawled all the way back to the area where new sand had been placed in front of the revetment. She laid in the highest spot around! Although the nest had most of the classic signs, the team had difficulty finding it due to all the new soft sand but eventually, it was located by Mary G. The nest was left insitu with one egg taken for research.

Sunday, July 02 from Janie Lackman

Nest 80 midpoint POA 02 & POA 03. The body pit had numerous crab holes and one even had an egg shell on top. We found the nest by following the crab hole closest to the egg shell. 

Tuesday, July 04 from Michael Beach

Nest 81 was found on the North near POA 10 and 127 eggs were relocated (plus one to research) to just south of POA 8 as the initial nest location was too low and subject to higher tides before hatching.

Tuesday, July 04 from Robbie White

Nest 82 was laid north of POA 22 . 73 eggs were re-located on higher ground north of POA 22. Mary located the eggs after much probing.

Thursday, July 06 Janie Lackman

Nest 83 at POA 23. The tracks were extremely windblown but there was one area of disturbed sand that looked promising. Dick M located the eggs in this area. 134 eggs were relocated to North of POA 22 with one egg taken for research.

Friday, July 07 from Janie Lackman

Nest 84 located midpoint POA 01-POA 02. 113 eggs were relocated to a safer location North of POA 02 with one egg taken for research.

Saturday, July 08 from Michael Beach 

Nest 85 laid south of POA 02 was moved north of POA 02 where other nests have been relocated.

Saturday, July 08 from Michael Beach 

Nest 86 north of POA 02 was left in situ.

Saturday, July 08 from Betsy Koehler 

Nest 87 was found this morning, just north of POA 26. 63 eggs were moved to a new nest at POA 19, 1 egg taken for research.

Sunday, July 09 from Rich Combes

Nest 88 north side of the POA 27 stairs was nesting while folks watched.... took an egg for DNA database and relocated 85 eggs to POA 19, next to nest 87. 

Sunday, July 09, from Janie Lackman

Nest 89 was located just North of POA 02. The turtle came straight in and laid then went out on almost the same track. This nests had lots of the classic signs like uprooted vegetation - lots of this - and thrown sand. 103 eggs were relocated to dune in the same area with one egg taken for research.

Sunday, July 09, from Janie Lackman

Nest 90 was located almost directly out from POA 01. 161 eggs were relocated to a dune in the POA 02 area with one egg taken for research.

Tuesday, July 11 from Cyndi White

Nest 91 was found at POA 27 by Janie. 86 eggs were relocated north of POA 20, with an additional egg taken for research.

Tuesday, July 11 from Cyndi White

Nest 92 was found between POA 30 - POA 31 by Merilyn. There was one egg above
ground pretty far away from where she found the nest. There were only 41
eggs, which were placed in the hole north of POA 20, with the above ground
egg taken for research.

Tuesday, July 11 from Cyndi White

Nest 93 was found between POA 25 and POA 26 by Cyndi. 83 eggs were relocated north of POA 20. 6 eggs were broken, so two of those were taken for research.

Wednesday, July 12 from Tony Natoli

Nest 94 was located by Linda S., just north of POA 20 and left insitu. 1 egg taken for research.

Wednesday, July 12 from Tony Natoli

Nest 95 was located by Kim M. just south of POA 23 105 eggs relocated to an area just north of POA 20. Tanya and family from Roanoke VA witnessed mama laying last night. (total of 106 eggs, 1 for research)

Wednesday, July 12 from Tony Natoli

Nest 96 was located just north of POA 26. 104 eggs were relocated to an area just north of POA 20. (total of 105 eggs, 1 taken for research)

Wednesday, July 12 from Tony Natoli

Nest 97 was located just south of POA 30. 113 eggs were relocated to an area just north of POA 20. (total of 115 eggs, 2 taken for research)

Thursday, July 13 from Janie Lackman 

Nest 98 was located midpoint POA 18 - POA 19. It was a shallow nest very close to the high tide line. 87 eggs were relocated to dune in the same area with one egg used for research.

Thursday, July 13 from Janie Lackman 

Nest 99 was located just South of POA 19. 92 eggs were relocated straight back to the dunes with one egg used for research.

Thursday, July 13 from Kathy Dunne

Nest 100 just north of POA 03. The mama climbed up the dune and tried to trick us by producing three possible nesting areas. We persevered and Dwight S found her nest. One egg was broken, so we used that one as our research egg. The nest was left insitu. 

Saturday, July 15 from Janie Lackman

Nest 101 was located just North of POA#27. The tracks completely disappeared into the soft sand. Luckily we found the nest. It was extremely deep! I was all in all the way up to my shoulder before we even hit eggs - YIKES. 62 eggs were relocated to N. POA#19 with one broken egg used for research. 

Saturday, July 15 from Janie Lackman

Nest 102 Between POA 30 & POA 31 was another set of tracks that disappeared into the wind blown sand. No signs of a body pit and a much larger search area than the first nest. After extensive probing and drawing a possible pathway / trajectory of the turtle, Sandy C located the nest. What a find - amazing job! 94 eggs were relocated to North of POA 19 with one egg taken for research.

Sunday, July 16 from Nelle Pender

Nest 103 was located today north of POA 02. There appeared to be an excellent body pit. We probed and probed, took off a layer of sand and probed again. Nelle took a break and walked over a bit to pick up some trash. On the way back, she noticed tracks in a nearby sand dune, sure enough there were indications of a nest. Nelle was able to located the nest in the sand dune. The nest was left insitu and one egg taken for research. Lessons learned that these mama's keep us on our toes, and never assume anything. Plus, picking up trash is always a good idea.

Thursday, July 20 from Betsy Koehler

Nest 104 was located by Dwight Smith just north of POA 02. The mama turtle climbed a dune and located a great spot, so the team left the nest in situ. 

Monday, July 24 Nelle Pender

Nest 105 Located at POA 14 by Judy D and Bev B. 154 eggs relocated above high tide line. Two unusual shaped eggs (see photo). One of those taken for research, which had 4 yolks.

Monday, July 24 Nelle Pender

Nest 106 Located just north of POA 02. She crawled up the escarpment, through another nest area, up and back down a perfect dune to then lay her eggs on the upper edge of the escarpment by the high tide line. Found by Kay S and Nelle P. 100 eggs relocated to higher ground. One egg taken for research.

Thursday, July 27 from Rick Keup

Nest 107 was found at a stairway near POA 26 and relocated to POA 20 due to potential for wash over at the high tide line. Merilyn Smith found the nest after extensive probing with the help of Nena McSween. We moved 68 eggs to their new location and saved one egg for research.

Nest 108 was found at POA 20 by Dick McSween after a brief amount of probing..... We relocated the nest further uphill at POA 20 with 104 eggs and one for research. 

Thursday, July 27 from Rick Keup

Wild Nest 109 at POA 24 with extensive ghost crab activity. Did an inventory due to the condition of the nest. We found 1 dead hatchling, 24 unhatched eggs and 89 hatched eggs.

Friday, July 28 from Karen Natoli

Nest 110 was located just north of POA 19. 104 eggs were relocated directly back to the same area to a small dune that slopes towards the ocean. Total of 105 eggs, 1 taken for research

Thursday, August 03 from Judy Dayner

Nest 111, just north of POA 02. Cyndi noticed a short, barely visible set of tracks, and located the nest. We moved 112 eggs to a higher dune in same area, with 1 egg taken for research. 

Saturday, August 05 from Michael  Beach

Nest 112 was a bit north of POA 02, above the escarpment and higher than other nests near it.  Nice body pit.  Pat probed it and we both dug around a bit to find the eggs, one taken for research.

Monday, August 07 from Nelle Pender

NEST 113 - located south of POA 12. It was a windy morning, lots of blown sand over the body pit. We probed, then removed a layer of sand and probed again. Finally, Nelle located the nest. Lots of probing and digging possible holes (when in doubt dig it out) by Kay, Bev, and Nelle We relocated the nest to higher ground and above the high tide line at POA 13. One egg taken for research.

Summary for 2017

Turtle Nest Recap
  2000 to 2016