2019 Nest Data

Tuesday, May 07, from Karen Natoli
Nest 01 was found today, 5/7/19, by Todd and Missy Blair, in Zone 2, just north of POA 23.
It was located well above the high tide line and left in situ.

Tuesday, May 07, from Karen Natoli
Nest 02 was found in Zone 2, by Mickey McGee, just north of POA 29, it was located well above the high tide line and was left in situ. Congratulations Mickey on your 1st nest! Wendy Moore also assisted and was quite excited to see all the activity on her 1st day as well.

Thursday, May 09, from Karen Natoli
Nest 03 was found today by Karen N., just north of POA 23, well above the high tide line, and was left in situ. Back story - It was a rainy morning making it difficult to find the nest, but since we suspected it to be a nest, because of the distinct differential in the crawl, we put a question mark stake with the date and the location. When you think there could be a nest, but cannot find it, a good practice is to put a question mark stake at the site, (somewhere further back then the scene itself) as down the line, it could prove to be very helpful if baby turtles start coming out of the area. Later today, we went back and re-investigated the area, and were able to find the nest, we removed the question mark stake and put the full enclosure around the nest site. In retrospect, it seemed that the sand fence could have been in her way on her left side, (facing the ocean) and it looked as though she could only use one flipper to disguise the nest. This is why we suspect the body pit was not a rounded shape, but only a partial shape, almost looking like nothing happened there. If you look at the photo you can see where she nested, and then she moved forward, as they do, tried disguising the nest, but failed to cover the actual nest site they way they would normally would, it just looks like part of the outgoing crawl, but in fact, the nest was there, under the outgoing crawl. Just when you think you have figured it out, you learn something new! At any rate, perseverance is the key, if you think there is a nest, there probably is, never surrender, never give up!

Tuesday, May 14, from Karen Natoli
Nest 04 was located by Karen N. between POA 23 and POA 24, it was laid well above the high tide line and left in situ.

Tuesday, May 14, from Karen Natoli
Nest 05
was located by Tony N., just south of POA 22, it was also laid well above the high tide line and left in situ.

Wednesday, May 15, from Karen Natoli
Nest 06 was located by Missy Blair, just south of POA 24 and was left in situ. Congratulations on your 1st nest Missy, good job!

Wednesday, May 15, from Karen Natoli
Nest 07 was located by Wendy Monroe, just south of POA 31. This nest was laid too close to the high tide line and was in danger of future high tides. As a result, 157 eggs were relocated to an area just north of POA 25. Congratulations on your 1st nest Wendy, good job!

Thursday, May 16, from Travis Stewart
Nest 08 South of POA 06. Megan probed and we relocated 121 eggs in to a nearby dune

Thursday, May 16, from Karen Natoli
Nest 09 was located by Jacob Cashour at POA 26 North, well above high tide line, and was left in situ.

Thursday, May 16, from Travis Stewart
Next 10 located by Jake just north of POA 12 on the top of a dune and left in situ.

Friday, May 17, from Karen Natoli
Nest 11 was located By Karen N. just north of the Beach Club walkway, up high, left in situ. Pebbles T., Karen N., Linda U., Tony N.

Friday, May 17, from Karen Natoli
Nest 12 was located late this afternoon, by Karen N. just south of POA 26, and left in situ. A couple of nice visitors, Valerie and Jessica, alerted the Activity center after patrol today, that they had seen the turtle nesting last night south of POA 26. It was very windy last evening and this morning there was a crawl in this area, but no signs leading up to a body pit, and no body pit, just blown sand, covering the rest of the clues, making it virtually impossible to find the nest. Because she came up while there was still enough light, around 8:00 o'clock, Valerie and Jessica, our 1st time Fripp visitors, were able to see her pretty clearly. She nested right in front of the red rock and was facing north when she nested.

Saturday, May 18, from Karen Natoli
Nest 13 was located just south of POA 15 and was left in situ. Karen N., Stacey G., Pebbles T., Allison and Joanna. Logan Pasquale Cardon was out on the beach again today. This is his 2nd nest he has seen while he was on his 1st Fripp vacation, he is a happy camper!

Saturday, May 18, from Karen Natoli
Nest 14
was located between POA 28 and POA 29 and left in situ. Tony N. and Mickey M. You would be surprised at what you might find on the beach early in the morning.

Sunday, May 19, from Ellen Faw
Nest 15 was located just south of POA 1B. One hundred and thirty-eight (138) eggs were relocated above the high tide line. Thanks to Dan for supplies. Congrats to Jen in her first nest of the season. Ellen F., Nelle P., Jennifer R., Jeanane R. We also had Tonya with us, Nelle's brand new daughter-in-law!

Monday, May 20 from Karen Natoli
Nest 16 was located by Todd B., just north of POA 1B in a low lying area. 119 eggs were relocated to the seaward side of a small dune just south of POA 1B. Todd B., Missy B. Vicki L., Karen N., Tony N. - Thank you Dan for bringing supplies!

Monday, May 20 from Karen Natoli
Nest 17 was located by Missy B., just north of POA 15 in a low lying area. 121 eggs were relocated directly back to a higher and dryer, seaward side of a small dune, just north of POA 15.

Tuesday, May 21, from Karen Natoli
Nest 18 was located by Sheila C., just north of POA 31. 110 eggs were relocated to a seaward side of a dune, just north of POA 25. Sheila C., Karen N. - Thanks Wendy and Tony for bringing supplies. - (Mo, a special guest of Wendy's, was able to see nest activity on her birthday today!)

Tuesday, May 21, from Wendy Monroe
Nest 19 found by Wendy Monroe was left in situ this morning near POA 23s.

Tuesday, May 21, from Wendy Monroe
Nest 20 was found by Jake C. and Megan G. at POA 25s. All 119 eggs were relocated further back towards the rocks by Wendy Monroe and Tony Natoli.

Wednesday, May 22, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Nest 21 was found in Zone 1, south of access 1B, and left in situ. Mama turtle did a little loop-de-loop on her way in to the dune. She made a classic nest, with body pit, broken vegetation and thrown sand. On her way back to the sea, she did another little loop-de-loop. The nest chamber was easily found and 1 egg was taken for research. Zone 1 team members today: Vanessa and Cesar Penaherrera, with a big shout out to Dan Matthews for bringing supplies.

Thursday, May 23, from Travis Stewart
Nest 22
was located at POA 01b by Pebbles (her first nest of the season) and left in situ.

Thursday, May 23, from Karen Natoli
Nest 23 was located by Mickey M., just north of POA 26, in a low lying area. 126 eggs were relocated to a sloped dune just north of POA 26. Mickey M., Kim Z., Alexis B., Karen N., Tony N.

Thursday, May 23, from Travis Stewart
Nest 24 located at POA 02n by Travis Stewart and left in situ.

Thursday, May 23, from Karen Natoli
Nest 25
was located by Sandy W. north of POA 12 and left in situ. Sandy found uprooted vegetation, then found the nest in that same area, good sleuthing! Sandy W., Jake C., Travis S., Pebbles T.

Friday, May 24, from Kim Mathews
Nest 26 south of POA 28. We had a mama turtle still on the beach when we started patrol. She had been on the beach a long time and was very tired and took her time getting back in the water. The differential between her incoming tracks and outgoing tracks were significant and indicated she was on the beach for hours. She had old injuries to her rear left flipper and shell. Due to her rear flipper being half the size it normally would be, she was unable to dig a normal egg chamber. The egg chamber was very shallow and there were several exposed and broken eggs on top of the body pit. She laid a total of 134 eggs, 17 were broken, and 117 of those were relocated to a sloped dune at POA 28s by Alexis B. and Kim M. We had two very nice visitors help us keep the egg count right today at nest 26, Lindsay and Jack Andrew Alexander from Sandy Run, SC It was truly a team effort from both the south and north teams this morning.

Friday, May 24, from Karen Natoli
Nest 27 was located by Laura M. south of POA 32. It needed to be relocated due to it being laid in a low lying area and in danger of future high tide wash over.  117 eggs were relocated  south of POA 26 by Katherine S. and Bill M. with assistance from Karen N. .

Friday, May 24, from Katherine Samples
Nest 28
was found at POA 07 and was left in situ.

Saturday, May 25, from Karen Natoli
Nest 29
was located just north of POA 2, by JoAnna and was left in situ. Congratulations on your 1st nest JoAnna, great job! That's one happy turtle girl! Allison, her sister, assisted and had fun too!! Allison, Deb, Mike, JoAnna, Stacy

Sunday, May 26 from Sandy White
Nest 30 was located just south of POA 26. Krista C. Located her first nest of the season with Deb R. Counting 141 eggs. Two were broken and one went to research. This nest was lying in a low area and was moved straight back. Krista and Sandy W relocated while Deb R walked the rest of the beach.

Sunday, May 26 from Sandy White
Nest 31 was located by Stacey G at POA 22. She worked very hard this morning find this nest. The tracks were very interesting tracks with a ridge. Momma turtle was big and appeared to be strong. Stacey, AJ, JJ and Kristi C. helped with the count and relocation out of the low lying area to a higher sloped area straight back from the nest. Thank you to Laura M for running supplies and bringing her knowledge to help.

Tuesday, May 28 from Karen Natoli
Nest 32 was located at POA 09n, by Wendy M., left in situ. Gayla unearthed the eggs, she was happy!

Tuesday, May 28 from Tony Natoli
Nest 33 at POA 16n. Found by Mary G. Left in situ.

Tuesday, May 28 from Karen Natoli
Nest 34 was located at POA 13n by Karen N., left in situ Wendy M., Sheila C., Gayla T., Karen N.

Wednesday, May 29 from Karen Natoli
Nest 35 was located by Wendy M., just south of POA 31 and left in situ. Wendy M., Jake C., Megan M., Karen N. Thank you Laura for bringing supplies.

Thursday, May 30, from Sandy White
Nest 36 Jake C probed and found it North of POA 05. It was lying in a very low area and was relocated with help from Vanessa P, Gayla T. Jake C and Alicia . 146 eggs were found in this nest with one taken for research. Gayla found higher ground a great slope away from any fencing and 145 eggs were put back in just south of POA 07. 

Thursday, May 30, from Karen Natoli
Nest 37 was located by Kim Z., just south of POA 24. It was in a low lying area, 107 eggs were relocated directly back to the seaward side of a dune. Kim Z. and Alexis B., Mickey M., Tony N., Karen N. - Thanks Cesar for bringing supplies!

Thursday, May 30, from Karen Natoli
Nest 38 was located by Tony N., just north of POA 25 and left in situ.

Thursday, May 30, from Karen Natoli
Nest 39 was located by Karen N., just south of POA 17. It was in a low lying area, 142 eggs were relocated directly back to the seaward side of a dune.

Friday, May 31 from Kim Mathews
Nest 40 was located north of POA 26 by Laura M. and Deb R. . Since it was laid in a low lying area, 136 eggs were relocated to a sloped dune straight back from original location. Deb’s son Sean joined us on patrol this morning. 

Friday, May 31 from Kim Mathews
Nest 41 was located by Alexis B. north of POA 25. Since it was also laid in a low lying area, Kim M. and Alexis relocated 109 eggs to a sloped dune straight back from the original location. We found a ghost crab in the nest and he enjoyed five eggs for breakfast, one of the broken eggs was used for DNA research. We were joined by Debbie Mixon from Orangeburg, SC. Thanks to Dan M. bringing enclosure supplies.

Friday, May 31 from Kim Mathews
Nest 42 was located by Karen and Tony N. this morning south of POA 15 and left in situ. The nest was laid up high on a dune with broken and uprooted grasses hinting at it's location.

Saturday, June 01 from Kimberly Zralka
Nest 43 was located just south if POA 09 by Karen N. and Kim Z. The uprooted and buried grasses aided in locating the body pit. The nest was left in situ well above the high tide line. Thanks to Wendy Monroe for bringing supplies as well as Stacey G., Mike K., and Joanna.

Saturday, June 01 from Karen Natoli
Nest 44 was located north of POA 02 and left in situ. Once again, the uprooted / buried grasses aided in locating the nest chamber. Mike K., Kimberly Z., Stacey G., Karen N., Joanna - Thanks Wendy Monroe. for bringing supplies.

Sunday, June 02 from Sandy White
Nest 45 was found by Nancy W. just north of POA 22. The nest was sitting low with no slope. 116 eggs were relocated by Krista C & Andy W just north of POA 22 behind the nest. One egg was taken for research so Nest 45 holds 115 eggs.

Sunday, June 02 from Jennifer Redmond
Nest 46 was located just south of POA 07. The nest was a good distance above the HTL and was left in situ, 1 egg was taken for research. In attendance were Bill and Wendy Moore, Jeneane Ryan and Jennifer Redmond. 

Sunday, June 02 from Sandy White
Nest 47 was where the visual encounter of the mommy turtle. It was quickly decided that nest was going to stay in situ with a nice slope. Deb R was left to probe so Sandy W could walk rest of the beach, Deb continued with her list to do, finding the center of the nest, mark, tie off and XX out the tracks. She did everything with this nest and it was her first nest. GREAT JOB!!

Sunday, June 02 from Sandy White
Nest 48 was found just north of POA 22. Krista C probed this nest and it too was sitting in a low lying area so the nest was relocated to POA 22.south with a great slope and high. This nest had 96 eggs in it with one taken for research so the nest is holding 95 eggs.

Tuesday, June 04 From Wendy Monroe
Nest 49
was located today at POA 02s by Wendy Monroe, Sheila C, Vicki L., and Fleetwood B. One egg was used for DNA and the nest was left in situ above high tide line a few feet from Nest 24.

Tuesday, June 04 From Tony Natoli
Nest 50 found just south of POA 19 by Mary Gnau. One egg taken for research and 111 eggs relocated straight back.

Wednesday, June 05 from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 51 was located just South of POA 18. There were no tracks and an obscure body pit below the high tide line. The imprint formation was familiar to Linda S. and Wendy Monroe was the prober. 99 eggs were relocated above the high tide line directly behind where it was located.

Wednesday, June 05 from Kim Mathew
Nest 52 was located south of POA 14 and left in situ. The egg chamber was very shallow, and there were two broken eggs on top of the body pit, which were used for DNA research. Mama turtle must have been parting last night because she left tracks in a big area back in the dunes. She went all the way back into the second row of dunes, and went up, over and all around in this area. Her track width indicated she is a young mama so, we’ll blame her youth on the partying. Kim M., Liz V., Deb R. and Krista C., and THANKS to Laura M., for bringing enclosure supplies

Wednesday, June 05 from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 53 was located at POA 31s by Karen N., with the help of Jacob C and Megan G. 147 eggs were relocated to POA 25 due to impending king tides.

Wednesday, June 05 from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 54 was located just South of POA 28. This mama came up and went through an owners staircase and turned North, tried to lay in the sand but ran into rocks, tried again a few feet further North and found the soft spot to lay her nest. Team of Karen N. Jacob C. Megan G. and Linda S. who was the prober. 125 eggs were relocated to POA 25 due to impending king tides.

Thursday, June 06 from Travis Stewart
Nest 55 was located by Jake’s expert “old school” probe as Sandy readied the vial and bucket for the relocation. North of POA 01b on the rocks didn’t seem like a great spot so Travis and Pebbles found a nice dune just south of 1b. Sandy and Jake moved 133 eggs.

Thursday, June 06 from Travis Stewart
Nest 56 Pebbles, Travis and Jake moved 144 eggs after Pebbles probe located the chamber near POA 02. Pebbles moved her first nest today!

Thursday, June 06 from Travis Stewart
Nest 57 Mickey M. found the nest at POA 15n and it was left in situ high on the dune.

Friday, June 07 from Kim Mathews
Nest 58 was located south of POA 15 in front of CJFV. Alexis B. and Kim W. decided to leave the nest in situ since the mama turtle laid her eggs on the side of a dune. Two eggs were broken and used for DNA research.

Friday, June 07, from Karen Natoli
Nest 59 was located just north of POA 12, by Bill M. and left in situ. She nested high up on the dune. It was a shallow nest and a little lopsided. It was not obvious by looking at her tracks whether she had a damaged rear flipper or not, did not appear to be the case. Possibly just a lot of foliage to navigate. Thank you Linda F. for bringing supplies. Wendy M., Bill M., Gayla T., Karen N.

Saturday, June 08, from Donna Reichle
Nest 60 was discovered just south of POA 26 this morning by Dave Reichle. The nest is located just adjacent to a false crawl that occurred June 4th. Because it is located above the tide line and felt to be in a secure location, it was left in situ. Donna R., Mickey M., and Tony N. Thanks to Wendy M. for bringing supplies.

Sunday, June 09 from Nelle Pender
Nest 61 - between POA 15 and 16. Ellen F located the nest. Above high tide line and left insitu. One egg taken for research.

Sunday, June 09 from Travis Stewart
Nest 62 between POA 09 and POA 10. Ellen located the nest ( yeah 2 for Ellen today!). Above high tide and left insitu. One egg taken for research. Thanks to Laura for bringing supplies.

Sunday, June 09 from Travis Stewart 
Nest 63, POA 19s left in situ. Turtle still on the beach in the morning. First on the scene were Randy and Lee Domikis. Our other visitors, Kathy and Julie watched faithfully as Travis and Nancy located and marked the nest while the turtle marched back to the sea.

Sunday, June 09 from Travis Stewart 
Nest 64 POA 31n expertly probed by Krista C. and was left in situ.

Tuesday June 11 from Tony Natoli
Nest 65 located by Jake C. with Megan's help between POA 31 and 32 and left in situ.

Tuesday June 11 from Tony Natoli
Nest 66 at POA 02s. Missy, Fleetwood and Pebbles. 111 eggs relocated straight back.

Tuesday June 11 from Tony Natoli
Nest 67 located at POA 02n. Missy, Fleetwood and Pebbles. Left in situ.

Tuesday June 11 from Tony Natoli
Nest 68 at POA 23n. Mary G+ found it and relocated 144 eggs straight back.

Wednesday, June 12 from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 69 was located between POA 16 and POA 17 behind a large dune and dune fencing in a depressed area. Moved 100 eggs above high tide line just seaward, away from the fencing and in dune. Probed by Linda and Gayla and relocated with Sara's help.

Thursday, June 13 from Mickey Mcghee
Nest 70 was found just South of POA 22 in the dunes by Mickey M and Kim Z. It was safely left in situ. The mama turtle must have had company. There was a note in the sand "Turtle laid eggs at 3am" Thanks to Bob for bringing supplies.

Thursday, June 13 from Mickey Mcghee
Nest 71 was just South of POA 15 found by Kim Z and Tony N. It was safely left in situ.

Friday, June 14 from Kim Mathews
Nest 72 was located just north of POA 28 by Pebbles T. and Alexis B. Since it was laid in a flat low lying area, 114 eggs were relocated in a dune just south of POA 23. 

Friday, June 14 from Kim Mathews
Nest 73 was located just north of POA 29 by Linda U. and Kim M., it was also relocated to a dune just south of POA 23 where 127 eggs will be safe from future king tides. 

Saturday, June 15, from Karen Natoli
Nest 74 was located by Mickey M. just north of POA 17 and left in situ.

Saturday, June 15, from Karen Natoli
Nest 75 was located by Mickey M. just south of POA 19 and left in situ.

Saturday, June 15, from Donna Reichle
Nest 76 just south of POA 20. Dave Reichle's probing located the nest cavity. Wendy Moore's quick response in bringing supplies was greatly appreciated. Nest left in situ with one egg taken for research.

Saturday, June 15, from Karen Natoli
Nest 77 was located by Joanna J. at POA 23 N. One egg taken for research and 118 eggs were relocated directly back to a seaward facing dune. Thank you Wendy for bringing supplies, we had you hopping today!

Sunday, June 16, from Sandy White
Nest 78 We found momma turtle finishing up her nest just south of POA 26.  She dug one hole and decided to move up and over to the left a little more. Left in situ. Nancy W, Deb R, Krista C. and Sandy W.

Sunday, June 16, from Nelle Pender
Nest 79 south of POA 1b high on a dune, left in situ. Jennifer located the nest, one egg taken for research. Jennifer’s daughters Grace and Rebecca joined us this morning. Thanks to Laura for bringing supplies. Jennifer, Jeneane and Nelle

Sunday, June 16, from Sandy White
Nest 80 This nest was located by Deb R. Just north of POA 28. It was sitting in a low area and relocated directly back on a nice slope.  98 eggs are in the relocated nest. Nancy W and Sandy W helped with the relocation.

Monday, June 17 from Kim Mathews
Nest 81 was located by Nancy W. and Kim M. south of POA 25 in a lower lying area. 117 eggs were relocated by Mike K. and Pebbles T. to a dune between POA 24 & POA 25.

Monday, June 17 from Kim Mathews
Nest 82 was located by Kim M. and Nancy W. south of POA 25, it was laid in a low flat area. So, Kim and Nancy relocated 151 eggs to a dune between POA 24 & POA 25. Thanks to Dan M. for bringing enclosure supplies and water to us. Francesca S. joined us today. She is visiting from Chicago

Tuesday, June 18, from Missy Blair
Nest 83 was found by Missy Blair and Sheila Carlson just north of POA 01B. One egg was taken for research and 124 eggs were relocated well above the high tide line.

Tuesday, June 18, from Tony Natoli
Nest 84 was found by Jake south of POA 15. It was on the top of a small dune and therefore left in situ. Mary G., Megan G., Jake C. and Tony N.

Wednesday, June 19, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 85 just S. Of POA 27 at high tide line relocated 95 of the 96 eggs laid. to POA 26, 1 egg taken for genetics.

Wednesday, June 19, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Net 86 was located just north of POA 03, above the high tide line and left in situ. A big thank you to Laura for supplies!

Wednesday, June 19, from Tony Natoli
Nest 87 The nest was located by Karen N. on the top of a dune at POA 12s. The tracks were windblown and hard to follow but using the analysis of the bent and broken reeds, along with uprooted, buried vegetation the Crime Scene Investigators of Fripp Island solved the mystery.

Thursday, June 20, from Travis Stewart
Nest 88 Sandy’s probe found it at POA 02s and it was left in situ in a moderately sloping dune fence line.

Thursday, June 20, from Travis Stewart
Nest 89 Pebbles and Jake located nest 89 in a flat area at POA 03n. They carefully moved 101 eggs to a nearby dune.

Thursday, June 20, from Tony Natoli
Nest 90 was found on the top of a dune south of POA 21 and left in situ.

Thursday, June 20, from Travis Stewart
Nest 91, found near Rock Beauty, north of POA 15 expertly probed by Jake and the moment was shared with Megan’s turtle class. It was finished up by Travis and Bob after repairs to nest marker 17 which got wrecked by the Mama coming into the area.

Friday, June 21, from Gayla Thomas
Nest 92 was located just south of POA 01B, by Gayla T. It was in a low lying area, 103 eggs were relocated directly back to a seaward facing dune. GT, KN, CP, VP. Momma turtle left a classic body pit. Thank you Linda Freeman for delivering supplies.

Nest 93, Saturday, June 22 from Tony Natoli.
Allison found her first nest south of POA 01B, left in situ. Stacy G., Allison J.

Nest 94, Saturday, June 22 from Tony Natoli
Kim Z. found the nest north of POA 15, left in situ. Kim Z., Mike K.

Nest 95, Saturday, June 22 from Tony Natoli
Karen N. found the nest south of POA 13 in a low lying area. Joanna and Mickey relocated 131 eggs to higher ground straight back. Karen N., Mickey M., Joanna J.

Sunday, June 23, from Sandy White
Nest 96 located by just south POA 15 was found by Krista C, Sandy W, Allison J and Guest Rick . The nest was in between two dunes in a low area. 95 eggs were in the nest. With one taken for research, 94 eggs were relocated to the front dune facing the ocean on a nice slope.

Tuesday, June 25, from Wendy Monroe 
Nest 97 today was easily located by Wendy Monroe above the high tide line in the dune near POA 15N. The nest has a visible body cavity and was easily probed and left in situ, after one egg was taken for DNA sample.

Tuesday, June 25, from Karen Natoli 
Nest 98 Was located today, 6/25/19, just south of POA 10 in front of a sand fence. Relocated 136 eggs directly back to a seaward facing dune, just south of POA 10. 

Tuesday, June 25, from Wendy Monroe
Nest 99 was easily located by Wendy Monroe in the dune above the high tide line near POA 01Bs. It also had a visible body cavity and was left in situ after 1 egg was taken for DNA. Thank you Stacy and Allison for bringing the supplies. Wendy M., Mickey M and Fleetwood B.

Tuesday, June 25, from Mickey McGee
Nest 100 was found by Fleetwood and Mickey today with help from Wendy Monroe. It is always a good day to be on the turtle team. Thanks to Stacey for bringing supplies. I’m pretty sure she was busy today. The nest was located just South of POA 01b and 132 eggs relocated a little higher. 

Tuesday, June 25, from Tony Natoli
Nest 101 Laura MacArthur found this nest south of POA 22 and moved it straight back to high ground.

Tuesday, June 25, from  Karen Natoli
Nest 102 was found today, 6/25/19 just south of POA 26 and left in situ. Karen N., Tony N.

Wednesday, June 26, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Nest 103 was found today by all the morning dog walkers in zone 1 at POA 02s. Mama walked a good way before making 2 body pits above the high tide line. The body pit closest to the outgoing tracks yielded a nest. JoAnna J. probed and found the chamber. One egg was taken for research and the nest was left in situ. We had the Finch family from Augusta walking with us this morning (Charles, Kendra Sue and Kaylee Charles). Laura was very busy bringing supplies to both zones - much appreciated. Thank you to our subs today: Ellen, Stacey and JoAnna.

Wednesday, June 26, from Linda Sigafoos;
Nest 104 Found at POA 31s and left in situ. I also wanted to thank zone 1 volunteers who came out to assist Wendy Munroe and myself. Linda Sigafoos 

Wednesday, June 26, from Linda Sigafoos;
Nest 105 found at POA 32n and left in situ. Another big thank you to Laura for supplies and a cold bottle of water.

Thursday, June 27, from Kim Zralka
Nest 106 was found today north of POA 26 by Alexis B., Kim Z., and Karen N. A large group of guests tagged along as well to share in the experience! The nest was a bit too far below the high tide line, so 134 eggs were successfully relocated behind the body pit closer to the rocks. Thanks to everyone who bring supplies and helped out.

Thursday, June 27, from Tony Natoli
Nest 107 was located between POA 28s and left in situ. We had special help filling out forms by an up and coming scientist, 7 yr. old Allison from Ohio. She was very interested and understood much of what we talked about regarding turtles. Great day! 

Friday, June 28,from Kim Mathews
Nest 108 was located today, by Linda U. and Liz V. Mama turtle laid her nest south of POA 31 in a flat low lying area. Due to impending king tides, Linda U. & Liz V. relocated 168 eggs to a high seaward facing dune at POA 25. Today’s south team, Linda U., Liz V., Alexis B., and Kim M. Thanks to Dan M. for bringing enclosure supplies and water to us. Kim Mathews.

Saturday, June 29, from Karen Natoli
Nest 109 was found by Mickey M. just south of POA 22, in a low area, just above high tide line. 138 eggs were relocated directly back to a seaward facing dune just south of POA 22. Thank you Wendy for bringing supplies. Mickey M., Tony N., Dave R., Donna R 

Monday, July 01, from Karen Natoli
Nest 110 was located at POA 12 in a low area. 161 eggs were relocated directly back up in dune area at POA 12. We were joined by Renee and her friend Lisa, they were very excited to some nest activity, as they said they always seem to miss it, but not today. Thanks Dan for bringing supplies and for Tony bringing water. Karen N., Pebbles, Wendy M., Vicki L.

Monday, July 01, from Wendy Monroe
Nest 111 was located near 13s with body pit above high tide. It was easily probed and relocated further back safely in the dunes. 2 eggs used for DNA. 90 other eggs were relocated by Wendy Monroe and Vicki L. Thanks Dave for supplies and Karen N for her fabulous support and dedication in leading our North team today

Monday, July 01, from Wendy Monroe
Nest 112 This nest was our puzzle of the morning. Pebbles probed till her probe broke!. Finally the nest was found on the outside rim of the body pit of the incoming crawl. Pebbles never gives up. The nest at POA 09s was relocated further back in the dunes. 1 egg was used for DNA sample. 97 eggs were relocated in the hole efficiently dug by Karen N. Pebbles T, Wendy Monroe and Karen N. got the job done! Great morning, great team!

Tuesday, July 02, from Karen Natoli
Nest 113 was located just south of POA 09 in low area. 99 eggs were relocated directly back to a seaward facing dune. Thanks Nancy for bringing supplies and Tony for bringing water. Karen N., Wendy M., Mickey M., Mike K., Gayla T.

Wednesday, July 03, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Nest 114 At 6:35am at POA 01b south, we (along with a low-key crowd - the dog walkers) observed a mature mama turtle already in the process of throwing sand over the nest area. She took her time covering the nest and returning to the sea. Her nest was just at the high tide line, so 150 eggs were relocated to a nearby dune with a seaward slope. One egg was taken for research. Karen Natoli got to the beach just in time to take a measurement (41”) before mama swam away (and to help me find and relocate the nest). Thank you Laura for bringing supplies. Fellow turtler from last year, Kim Schieffelbein, was along for the walk this morning and got to see her first turtle on the beach. Also pictured is our younger daughter Tori - her first turtle sighting, as well. VP, KN, KS, TP, CP, KC in the zone this morning.

Wednesday, July 03, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest #115 just South of POA 16 was Left insitu, 1 egg taken for genetic study.

Wednesday, July 03, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest # 116 was located just South of POA 31. 134 eggs were relocated to POA 25 due to rocks and the King High Tide rolling in. 1 egg taken for genetic study.

Wednesday, July 03, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 117 was found South of POA 27, in front of the tike hut while the turtle was just returning to the sea. Left insitu. 1 egg taken for genetic study. Great job by Wendy. Gayla. Meghan, Jake and Linda. Thank you as always Laura for supplies and water. Thank you my friend Lisa for keeping data today.

Wednesday, July 03, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest #118 nesting at 10:00 between POA 30 and POA 31. Nest was left insitu, witnessed by many and 1 egg taken for genetic study. 

Friday, July 05, from Wendy Moore
Nest 119 was found today just south of POA 01b. Mama laid nest right beside sand fence. Nest left in situ and one egg taken for research. Nest found by Bill Moore and Wendy Moore. Joined by Katherine S. , Gayla T., Stacey B. and Samantha B.

Saturday, July 06, from Donna Reichle
Nest 120 Dave located the crawl at 29s, and Donna probed her first nest! One egg was sacrificed for DNA analysis, and the nest, located in a secure area, was left in situ. Thanks to Karen for support and to Wendy Monroe for supplies and much-appreciated cold water. Donna R. 

Saturday, July 06, from Karen Natoli
Nest 121 was located today, POA 01B North by Kim Z., 77 eggs were relocated to a seaward facing dune just south of POA 01B. Karen N., Kim Z., Mike K., Nancy W.

Saturday, July 06, from Karen Natoli
Nest 122 was located today, POA 02 South by Mike K., and left in situ. Karen N., Kim Z., Mike K., Nancy W.

Saturday, July 06, from Karen Natoli
Nest 123 was located today, POA 15 South by Mickey M., and left in situ. Mickey M., Donna and Dave R.

Saturday, July 06, from Karen Natoli
Nest 124 was located today, POA 26 South by Karen N., and left in situ. All the classic signs were here today, for nest 124, crawl differential, thrown sand, uprooted/buried vegetation. Thank you Wendy M. for running supplies up and down the beach, and bringing us water, much appreciated.

Sunday, July 07, from Sandy White
Nest 125 was found this morning just south of POA 24. The nest was in a low area and was relocated with 101 eggs to a higher area. Nancy, Sandy, Krista & Gayla.

Sunday, July 07, from Nelle Pender
Nest 126, located by Jennifer R, at POA 01bs. Nest was laid above the high tide line and was left in situ. Jeneane, Jennifer, Ellen and Nelle

Sunday, July 07, from Nelle Pender
Nest 127, located by Ellen F, north of POA 1B. Nest was laid below high tide line and relocated to higher ground. Thanks to Laura for bring supplies. Jeneane, Jennifer, Ellen and Nelle

Monday, July 08, from Kim Mathews
Nest 128 was found by Kim M. and Liz V at POA 22s, it was a typical crawl and body pit and the eggs were found easily. Since this mama laid her nest in a flat low lying area, we relocated 115 eggs to a high seaward facing dune back from the original nest. 

Monday, July 08 from Karen Natoli
Nest 129 was located today, by Pebbles T. - POA 09s and left in situ.

Monday, July 08, from Kim Mathews
Nest 130 was found by Linda U. and Mike K. at POA 30n. It was laid in a low lying area known to get washed over by high tides so, they relocated 66 eggs to a safer area on a high dune at POA 25s

Monday, July 08 from Karen Natoli
Nest 131 was located today, by Karen N. between POA 12 and POA 13 and left in situ. Karen N., Pebbles T., Missy Blair, Vicki L., Wendy M.

Monday, July 08 from Karen Natoli
Nest 132 was located today, by Wendy M. - POA 01b and left in situ. Karen N., Pebbles T., Missy Blair, Vicki L., Wendy M.

Monday, July 08 from Karen Natoli
Nest 133 was located today, by Wendy M. - POA 01b South and left in situ. Thank you Dan for bringing supplies and running all over the beach for all of us! Thank you Missy for bringing supplies as well. Karen N., Pebbles T., Missy Blair, Vicki L., Wendy M.

Monday, July 08 from Karen Natoli
Nest 134 was located today, by Vicki L. - POA 01Bn, in low area, relocated 109 eggs to seaward facing dune POA 01Bs.

Monday, July 08 from Karen Natoli
Nest 135 was located today, by Karen N. - POA 13s and left in situ.

Tuesday, July 09, from Karen  Natoli
Nest 136 was located today, by Mary G., between POA 25 and POA 26 and left in situ.

Tuesday, July 09, from Karen  Natoli
Nest 137 was located today, by Mary G., POA 28n, left in situ.

Tuesday, July 09, from Karen  Natoli
Nest 138 was located today, by Mickey M., POA 24s, left in situ.

Tuesday, July 09, from Karen  Natoli
Nest 139 was located today, by Mary G., POA 25n. Tony and Mary relocated 100 eggs directly back.

Wednesday, July 10, from Kim Mathews
Nest 140 was found on the south end this morning by Wendy M. and Gayla T. This mama turtle came ashore and laid her nest in a low flat area at POA 28n, we found a high dune right beside the crossover steps at 28n and relocated 112 eggs there. Jake C., Megan G., Gayla T. Wendy M., and Kim M. 

Thursday, July 11, from Karen Natoli
Nest 141 was located by Mickey M. it was laid in front of a stairway. Mickey and Travis relocated 129 eggs to a nearby seaward facing dune at POA 27s. Mickey M., Travis S., Tony N., Karen N.

Friday, July 12 from Kim Mathews
Nest 142 was found this morning on the south end at POA 18n, Pebbles T. probed and found the egg chamber. Because this mama turtle laid her nest in a low flat area, Kim M. and Pebbles relocated 115 eggs to a seaward facing dune back from the original location. There were five broken eggs down in the nest. Much like the mama on the north end this morning, this mama also seemed small and appeared not to waste a lot of time on the beach. Laura M. and Alexis B. were wonderful help checking nests and completing the walk on the south end. We were joined by several really nice families this morning, the Riley family from Simpsonville, SC, the Gault & Smith family from Fountain Inn SC, and the Gatzulis / Washnock family from Hudson, OH. 

Friday, July 12 from Katherine Samples
Nest 143 was found south of POA 14. Gayla T and Katherine S probed and Gayla found the nest pretty quickly. Relocated 78 eggs to a higher area. 2 eggs were broken probably by ghost crabs. She seemed like a smaller turtle and came straight in and out. Thank you to Linda F. for bringing supplies and water. Gayla T, Wendy M, Bill M and Katherine S.

Saturday, July 13, from Kimberly Zralka
Nest 144 was located south of POA 01B this morning by Mike K. and Kim Z., with the help of Karen, Stacy, and Wendy covering the zone and bringing supplies. 90 of the 91 eggs were successfully relocated farther back into the dune. 

Saturday, July 13, from Karen Natoli
Nest 145 was located today 7/13/19, by Mickey M., just south of POA 15 and left in situ. Mickey M., Tony N. Wendy M.

Tuesday, July 16, from Mickey McGhee
Nest 146 was found by Mickey M. between POA 22 and POA 23. It was in a low level area and was moved directly behind on a higher slope by Jake, Megan, Tony and Mary. Tony always says that when you see a nest like that Mama turtle has spent some time and she wasn’t drinking beer and partying but this Mama must have been dizzy from something cause she made several loops and walked all over the place before she left. Good job to our turtle team and thanks to Stacy for supplies.

Wednesday, July 17, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 147 was located just above the high tide line just South of POA 31, 93 eggs in nest, relocated 92 eggs to a dune just South and behind original location due to eminent King Tides at end of July. 1 egg was taken for genetic testing. Thank you prober Ellen Faw and Gayla for relocation and bringing her family who did a great job walking and Lori, a friend from Dataw. Also homeowners seen mama and gave the clues. It takes an Island [pulling together to put it all together].

Wednesday, July 17, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Nest 148 at POA 10s. Mama came up and laid a classic nest above the high tide line which was located directly under the ghost crab hole by Vanessa and left in situ. 

Friday, July 19, from Kim Mathews
Nest 149 Alexis B. probed and located the egg chamber for .Since it was laid in a flat area at POA 27n, Kim M. relocated 100 eggs to a high seaward facing dune back from the original location. Thanks to Dan M. for bringing nest supplies and cold water to us.

Saturday, July 20, from Pebbles Turbeville 
Nest 150 was found by Stacy G. & Pebbles in low area around the rocks, between POA 01A & POA 01B. Pebbles relocate 86 eggs to a seaward facing dune at POA 01B north. Thanks, Wendy for bringing supplies, water and support!

Saturday, July 20, from Karen Natoli
Nest 151 was found today, 7/20/19 by Karen N., in low area, POA 09 south. Joanna helped relocate 114 eggs directly back to a seaward facing dune, POA 09 south. It was such a pretty crawl and if it was still May, we would have let it stay, but with upcoming high tides [Sept.] it was too risky.

Saturday, July 20, from Donna Reichle
Nest 152 Dave Reichle located at the 32n. It took a team effort to relocate it north to 31n. Thanks to Pebbles T., Stacey G., Karen N., and Wendy Monroe for their patience, effort, and dedication in finally locating a suitable new nest site after several attempts. 124 eggs were relocated in the process.

Saturday, July 20, from Mickey McGhee
Nest 153 Mickey M. located the nest at POA 31s which has to be moved due to possible future erosion . There were 90 eggs and after taking the one for DNA Tony and Mickey M moved 89 further north but still at 31s . Our morning was a whole team effort and we so much appreciate Wendy for running supplies back and forth and the cold water.

Wednesday, July 24, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest 154 South of POA 28 next to the staircase banisters, went North clear through the staircase opening, exiting on other side and went directly back to the sea. We left insitu. LS, MG, JC, GT, PT.

Wednesday, July 24, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Nest 155 was tucked in right next to a dune fence at POA 15n. The nest was left in situ and one egg was taken for research. VP, CP, DR, KC Thanks to Laura for bringing supplies with a smile.

Tuesday, July 30, from Karen Natoli
Nest 156 Some visitors staying at a house just south of POA 27 noticed some tracks in front of their stairway this morning. There was a question mark stake to the left of the stairway. Upon further investigation, Tony found the nest in front of the stairway. So, we now have wild nest 156 and it will be inventoried Friday night 7:30 pm. Wild nests are assigned the next nest number. Also, a DNA egg is taken from the nest, in this case, it was an unhatched egg, and GPS is recorded like any nest. On the data card, the egg is marked as old, as opposed to fresh, nest date is original date of crawl and survey date is the day you find the wild nest. It goes to show you, that it pays to place a question mark stake when you think there is a nest but can't find it, and also noting the date of the crawl on it, is equally important. Original team for that nest is Kim M., Urbanski, Alexis and Pebbles. Thanks Gayla for running supplies today. Tony, Karen, Jake, Megan

Tuesday, August 06 from Tony Natoli
Nest 157 was found just north of POA 26 by Mary Gnau examining a ghost crab burrow that had a dead, dismembered hatchling in its opening and a June 4th ? stake not far from it. Digging down she discovered the tops of eggs and some empty shells.

Tuesday, August 06 from Tony Natoli
Nest 158 was also found by Mary digging down a ghost crab burrow near a May 21st question mark stake and coming up with empty shells. Tony N., Mickey M., and Mary G

Wednesday, August 07, from Linda Sigafoos
Nest # 159 was found on the South side of the staircase of POA 28 below the high tide line with 102 eggs. Relocated 101 eggs just behind [the original] nest location in dune above high tide line. 1 egg was taken for genetic study.

Friday, August 09, from Liz Vreeland
Nest 160 Wild nest at POA 23s. 80+ hatchlings emerged and all made it safely to the water! Waiting on sample to be taken at inventory. It was a wonderful sight. We had Derek and Kaela Dombrowski from Cleveland, Ohio and Ava, Beth, from Philadelphia and Diana from Charlotte and Sara Jones from Huntington, West Virginia also helping us to keep birds and crabs away at bay. [matches a log notation made on June 14 for a crawl at POA 23s.]

Wednesday, August 21, From Linda Sigafoos
Nest 161 Under a beautiful purple sky this morning I found a hole in the sand with lots of baby tracks and 6 hatchlings on the beach heading to the sea South of POA 15 in front of the walkway leading to JFV [Capt. John Fripp Villas ]. Thank you Karen for picking up supplies to enclose our newest find. Linda Sigafoos.  [matches a log notation made on July 01 for a crawl at POA 15s]

Thursday, August 22, from Mickey McGee
Nest 162 at POA 15s found by Mickey M. while investigating a ghost crab hole surrounded by empty shells adjacent to a nearby question marked stake dated June 09.

Friday, August 23, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Nest 163 was identified at a ? mark stake [dated 6/21] at POA 02s by Bill Moore. The nest was marked and staked for observation. Vanessa Penaherrera, walking with Cesar Penaherrera & Bill and Wendy Moore.

Monday, August 26, from Vanessa Penaherrera
Nest 164 at POA 12s ...south of nest 131, another stream of tracks led us back behind the dune to find a classic crescent shaped opening. Upon further inspection, the opening yielded unhatched eggs! The nest was covered back up and marked with stake 164! One live baby was found near the nest and shepherded to the safety of the water. 

Wednesday, August 28, from Wendy Monroe
Nest 165 We had some hatchling activity in the South Zone this morning. Left of the question mark [? stake] at 31 N was a hole indicating a small boil with tracks that had taken place at high tide. Nest was located by Wendy Monroe and Gayla. Supplies were brought by Karen and area was marked off as Nest 165. 

Summary for 2019