2024 Nest Data

Sun, May 05
Nest 01 was located by Nancy W. And Mickey M this morning May 5. A picture perfect nest at POA 28n. Karen dug the new home for the eggs while we secured 99 eggs + 6 spacer eggs to be moved to POA25s. We took 1 egg for DNA and put 98 eggs + the 6 spacer eggs in the new nest. Michelle W, Ross T, and Donna C. were able to observe their first nest this morning. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Emergence Date 07/07
63 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/10
Hatch Success 85.8 %

Fri, May 10
Nest 02 Colleen G. located her first nest north of POA 01B. 133 eggs were relocated directly back due to predation from crabs and 1 egg was taken for DNA. Thank you, Stacey, for recording everything and Bob for bringing the supplies. The poor girl's nest was behind a buried board but she managed to literally work behind it (look closely at the picture).

Emergence Date 07/11
62 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/14
Hatch Success 91.7 %

Fri, May 10
Nest 03 was located today, 5/10/24 South of POA 25 and left in situ.
Bill and Wendy Moore's 1st nest of the season. This was an excellent training session for new folks Donna and Nola. The crab hole made it a lot easier to know where to start digging. There was an empty shell in his hole, so we knew the nest was within an ~8+ inch diameter of his hole. Thank you Laura for bringing supplies.

Emergence Date 07/07
58 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/11
Hatch Success 85.1 %

Sun, May 12
Nest 04 at POA 23n was located by Michelle W. and left in situ. Congratulations Michelle on your 1st nest! Very fitting for Mothers Day. This was a big turtle and dug a deep nest.

Emergence Date 07/16
65 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/19
Hatch Success 91.0 %

Wed, May 15
Nest 05 was laid at POA 26s at the base of the dune escarpment. located by Cesar. 114, 3 of which were broken. One broken egg was taken for research and 111 eggs were relocated to a seaward facing dune at POA 25s.

Emergence Date 07/12
58 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/15
Hatch Success 79.8 %

Wed, May 15
Nest 06 POA 25s by Colleen G. 135 eggs laid and 134 relocated higher up the beach just South of POA 25.
Colleen G. and Ava P.

Emergence Date 07/18
64 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/21
Hatch Success 79.1 %

Fri, May 17
Nest 07 was found at POA 25n, by Heather P. and Rob P. It was left in situ due to its placement on the seaward side of a dune. One egg was taken for research. Heather probed and found the nest immediately. Thank you to Laura M for bringing supplies. This nest was laid by the turtle that Wendy and Bill saw out on the beach this morning.

Emergence Date 07/20
64 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/23
Hatch Success 70.4 %

Fri, May 17
Nest 08 at POA 19s by Donna C. and Karen N.. This nest was located just above the high tide line, so it was relocated to the seaward side of a dune. There were a total of 122 eggs laid with one being taken for research. Thank you again to Laura M for bringing supplies.

Emergence Date 07/09
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/12
Hatch Success 90.9 %

Sun, May 19
Nest 09 located by Missy B. at POA 16n. 125 eggs. Took one egg for the DNA research project. Donna C. brought supplies and helped relocate 124 eggs to a seaward facing dune.

Emergence Date 07/13
55 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/16
Hatch Success 95.9 %

Mon, May 20
Nest 10 north of POA 29. Linnea T. found the nest quickly. There were 157 eggs. 156 eggs were relocated to POA 25n (1 taken for research). Thanks to Bob and Monette for bringing the supplies.

Emergence Date 07/20
61 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/23
Hatch Success 60.5 %

Thu, May 23
Nest 11 - 148 eggs were found at POA 22s by Karen N. with the help of Linda L., Mickey M. and Hannah K. 146 eggs were relocated back to higher dune above high tide line. 2 eggs were found broken and one taken for research.

Emergence Date 07/16
54 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/19
Hatch Success 87.1 %

Fri, May 24
Nest 12 was found at POA 22n by
Heather P. and Rob P. It was located near but just above the high tide line, so it was relocated to a dune at POA 22n. There were 112 eggs laid, and one of those was taken for research.

Emergence Date 07/30
67 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/02
Hatch Success 83.9 %

Fri, May 24
Nest 13 Pebbles and Stacey located this nest at POA 01Bn just above the high tide mark. It had 137 eggs, one taken for DNA research and the other 136 were relocated directly back to a high dune.

Emergence Date 07/21
58 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/24
Hatch Success 77.3 %

Fri, May 24
Nest 14 at POA 27 by Bill M. and Wendy M. 132 eggs laid with one taken for research 131 eggs were relocated to a high seaward facing dune at POA 25n
Bill, Wendy and Nola.

Emergence Date 07/21
58 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/24
Hatch Success 87.1 %

Sat, May 25
Nest 15 was found by Stacey G. at POA 01Bn on the rock revetment wall covered in sand and grass. One egg was taken for DNA research and the others were left "In Situ".

Emergence Date 07/18
54 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/21
Hatch Success 81.9 %

Sat, May 25
Nest 16 with 128 eggs was found by Donna C. at POA 22s. 127 eggs were moved back to a seaward facing dune. One egg was held for research. Thanks to Michelle W. For supplies and assistance in relocating the nest. Michelle and Donna C.

Emergence Date 07/23
59 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/26
Hatch Success 85.1%

Sat, May 25
Nest 17 just south of POA 18, by
Ross T. 128 eggs were relocated by Ross T. and Gala T. to a higher seaward facing dune. Took the 129th egg for DNA research and buried one spacer egg with the clutch.

Emergence Date 07/17
54 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/20
Hatch Success 91.4 %

Mon, May 27
Nest 18 was located at POA 05n by
Wendy Mn, Michelle M. and Deb T. Submitted 1 egg for the DNA research project and relocated the remaining 142 eggs to a seaward facing dune right at POA 05. She was a big turtle with a wide track.

Emergence Date 07/19
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/22
Hatch Success 96.5 %

Thu, May 30
Nest 19 at POA 25s below HTL. Linda S. found the eggs. 123 eggs total. One egg taken for research. Claire and Cathy relocated 122 eggs to higher ground on a sweet seaward facing dune at POA 25s. Thanks to Gayla T. and Ross T. for bringing supplies and marking out
the super long crawl and to Cathy W., Clair G. and Linda S.

Emergence Date 07/21
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/24
Hatch Success 94.3 %

Fri, May 31
Nest 20 was found this morning by Wendy M. at POA 28s against the rock revetment. 124 eggs with one taken for research 123 were relocated to POA 25n to a seaward facing dune.

Emergence Date 08/07
68 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/10
Hatch Success 90.3 %

Sat, June 01
Nest 21 Kay found the nest at POA 02n . 146 eggs, one taken for DNA research and the other 145 were relocated from king tide flood zone to POA 03n on a high dune.
Barney, Pebbles and Kay. Turtle still on the beach and nesting at 06:30.

Emergence Date 07/21
50 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/24
Hatch Success 76.7%

Sun, June 02
Nest 22 at POA 15s by Gayla T. 141 eggs 2 of which were depredated by a ghost crab so 141 were relocated straight back to a seaward facing dune. Gayla's first nest for 2024 and a special memory for the grandchildren and a friend to take back to Illinois and get extra credit for a science project.

Emergence Date 08/01
60 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/04
Hatch Success 88.8%

Sun, June 02
Nest 23 was found today by Michelle Ward at POA 21s and relocated to the seaward facing side of a high dune, also at 21s. 105 eggs were found, one was taken for DNA- 104 eggs were relocated. Thank you Mickey McGhee for helping relocate the nest and to Kay and Cathy for bringing supplies.

Emergence Date 08/08
67 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/11
Hatch Success 95.2 %

Tue, June 04
Nest 24 found today by Pebbles South of POA 01B . It had 114 eggs, one taken for DNA research and the other 113 relocated to north of POA 01B on a high dune. Thank you, Kay for digging the new hole, Mickey for recording everything.

Emergence Date 07/29
55 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/01
Hatch Success 88.5%

Thu, June 06
Nest 25 at POA 12 found by Pat S. 126 of the 127 eggs were relocated to POA 16s as that was the closest available location above the mean high tide line. One egg 127 submitted to the DNA project.

Emergence Date 07/28
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/31
Hatch Success 92.1%

Fri, June 07
Nest 26 was found today by Rob P. at POA 22s. This nest was relocated to a dune at POA 22s since it was originally in a low lying area. 88 eggs laid with one taken for research.

Emergence Date 07/28
51 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/31
Hatch Success 94.3%

Sat, June 08
Nest 27 was located just north of POA 04 found quickly by Gayla T. Just above HTL but in a flat area. 125 eggs were relocated into a nice dune at POA 03n.

Emergence Date 07/29
51 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/01
Hatch Success 94.4%

Sat, June 08
Nest 28 with 125 eggs was found today at POA 25n by Donna C. Relocated straight back. One egg held for DNA.nice dune at POA 03n.

Emergence Date 07/29
51 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/01
Hatch Success 84.8%

Sat, June 08
Nest 29 was located by Carrie G. north of POA 28 with 148 eggs. Two broken eggs were found at bottom of nest one of which was taken for research. The nest was relocated to POA 24s to the seaward side of a dune (the closest available site above the mean high tide line).

Emergence Date 08/05
58 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/09
Hatch Success 85.8%

Sun, June 09
Nest 30 located in a flat, low lying area just above the HTL at POA10Bs. One egg was taken for DNA research and 115 eggs were relocated to a forward facing dune further north, but remaining at POA10Bs.nice dune at POA 03n.

Emergence Date 07/29
50 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/01
Hatch Success 95.6%

Sun, June 09
Nest 31 was found by Mickey M. at POA 20n and was left in situ, 1 egg was taken for DNA.

Emergence Date 08/01
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/04
Hatch Success 88.8%

Wed, June 12
Nest 32 was found at POA 27n by Therese M. 118 eggs were located in the nest 5 were broken by probing. One of the broken eggs was taken for research. 113 eggs were relocated to a seaward sloping dune at POA 25n.
Vanessa P.,Cesar P. and Therese M.

Emergence Date 07/30
48 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/02
Hatch Success 78.8 %

Wed, June 12
Nest 33 located at POA 23n far enough back on seaward facing dune so it was left in situ. Found by Wendy Monroe One egg was taken for the DNA project.
Emergence Date 07/30

N/A days of incubation
Inventoried 08/21
Hatch Success 0.0%

Thu, June 13
Nest 34 Linda S. found this nest at POA 28s below the mean high tide line and relocated 141 eggs to POA 25s as this was the closest available area above the mean high tide line. Two eggs had been depredated by a ghost crab, one of which was submitted to the DNA project.

Emergence Date 08/05
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/08
Hatch Success 83.2 %

Fri, June 14
Nest 35 was found today by Heather P. at POA 22s. It was located in a low area just above the high tide line so one egg was taken for DNA testing and 129 eggs were relocated further back.

Emergence Date 08/05
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/08
Hatch Success 96.9 %

Fri, June 14
Nest 36 was located south of POA 04 and had 114 eggs. It was relocated a little more south of the original spot. One egg was taken for research.

Emergence Date 05/08
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/08
Hatch Success 95.6%

Fri, June 14
Nest 37 was found POA 25s by Wendy M. Because the nest was a just a little above the high tide line, 112 eggs (one was taken for research) were relocated to POA 25n on a seaward facing dune above the mean high tide line.

Emergence Date 08/06
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/09
Hatch Success 87.5 %

Fri, June 14
Nest 38 142 eggs at POA 04s found by Nola W. 141 eggs relocated to POA 04s.

Emergence Date 08/20
67 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/24
Hatch Success 92.2%

Sat, June 15
Nest 39 located by Kay Z. just north of POA 01B. Classic nest with 106 eggs. 105 were relocated straight back to a dune and 1 taken for DNA research.
Pebbles T., Stacey G, and Kay Z.

Emergence Date 08/07
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/10
Hatch Success 96.2 %

Thu, June 20
Nest 40 Pat S. found nest 40 at POA 13 and it was relocated to POA 15s. There were 139 eggs in the nest. 1 was taken for research and 6 were found broken. We moved a total of 132 eggs.

Emergence Date 08/12
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/15
Hatch Success 87.2 %

Fri, June 21
Nest 41 discovered by Karen N. and Mickey M. with 139 eggs. The nest was relocated to the south a bit as it was directly in front of POA 23 and in a low area. One egg was taken for research. Folks saw the turtle nesting last night and got in touch with Karen this morning to show her exactly where the turtle nested.
Thank you to Bob and Bo.

Emergence Date 08/12
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/15
Hatch Success 94.9 %

Sat, June 22
Nest 42 Kay Z. located this nest at POA 01Bn. As it was below the mean high tide line 116 eggs were was moved back and higher at POA 01Bn. The 117
th egg was submitted for DNA processing.
Michelle W., Kay Z. and Mickey M.

Emergence Date N/A
N/A days of incubation
Inventoried 08/31
Hatch Success 0.0 %

Sat, June 22
Nest 43 Wendy M. found this nest under rainy conditions at the HTL at POA 22s . Karen N. moved 118 eggs from the HTL further back to seaward facing dun
e The rain poured down and we couldn't get the nest photo but we did get these photo of our long time supporter
Steve Eyler and his granddaughter Sydney (a future turtler).

Emergence Date 08/12
51 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/15
Hatch Success 59.6 %

Wed, Jun 26
Nest 44 Colleen G. probed and quickly found the chamber at POA 05. Bev S helped with moving the eggs to where Heather had dug a nice hole on a seaward facing dune. Bob S. brought our supplies and the team completed the relocation. 104 eggs went in the hole and 1 was taken for research.

Emergence Date 08/17
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/20
Hatch Success 95.2%

Thu, June 27
Nest 45 at POA 25 found by Karen N. and Kay Z. It was located directly in path of the access. 116 eggs were relocated to the seaward side of dune at POA 25n with 1 egg taken for research
. Bev S., Kay Z, Linda L. and Karen N.

Emergence Date 08/18
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/21
Hatch Success 97.4%

Fri, June 28
Nest 46 was found by Kay Z. and Gayla T. south of POA 24 in a low lying area just above the high tide line. 142 of the 143 eggs were relocated to a seaward facing dune, north of POA 25. One egg was taken for the DNA research sample. There were some lovely young children delighting in any details we could share.

Emergence Date 08/18
51 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/21
Hatch Success 84.6 %

Sat, June 29
Nest 47 was located by
Karen N.and Donna C.at POA 19n on the back side of the dune. Since we can't leave a nest on the back side of a dune, we relocated 142 eggs to the front side of the same dune she nested on. There were a total of 143 eggs, one was taken for research.

Emergence Date 08/25
57 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/28
Hatch Success 93.0%

Sun, June 30
Nest 48 north of POA 01B by Stacey G. 136 eggs were relocated to a dune directly behind original nest and 1 egg taken for DNA research study.
Ross T. Stacy G. and Pebbles T.

Emergence Date 08/20
51 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/23
Hatch Success 94.8%

Wed, July 03
Nest 49 we found this nest in the pouring rain at POA 03s. Relocated 109 eggs to POA 04s to a high seaward facing dune. Thank you Mike N., Bev S. and Colleen G. for helping move the eggs. Kat an intern with the activity center, joined us today and she's glad she did.

Emergence Date 08/25
52 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/28
Hatch Success 90.0%

Wed, July 03
Nest 50 After a wet and rainy morning nest 50 was located at POA 22n by Wendy M. The tracks were hard to see due to the rain but the body pit was easy to probe The chamber was shallow and 113 eggs were found with 1 egg used for research. Thanks to Gayla for coming over to assist in the egg retrieval and in helping to relocate 112 eggs straight back POA 22n.

Emergence Date 08/22
49 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/25
Hatch Success 98.2%

Wed, July 03
Nest 51 Tony N. found the nest in front of the Beach Club hut.
Linda L. and Tony N. relocated 133 eggs to the dune at POA 15s. One egg was taken for research. Thanks to Deb T for bringing supplies.

Emergence Date 08/29
54 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/01
Hatch Success 88.5%

Sat, July 06
Nest 52 was found by
Kay Z. and Pebbles T. just south of POA 03 in the flatlands. 95 eggs were relocated south of POA 02 and 1 taken for research.

Emergence Date 08/25
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/28
Hatch Success 88.0%

Sat, July 06
Nest 53 was located at POA 19n in a low lying area by Karen N. and Donna C.. They relocated 115 eggs to a seaward facing dune at POA 19s. There were 116 eggs total. Took one for research..

Emergence Date 08/28
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/31
Hatch Success 92.2%

Mon, July 08
Nest 54
Mickey M. and Pebbles T. found nest 54 north of POA 01B just above the last high tide mark. 80 eggs were relocated directly back to a high dune above the mean high tide line . 1 egg was taken for the DNA research project..

Emergence Date 08/28
51 days of incubation
Inventoried 08/31
Hatch Success 91.3%

Mon, July 08
Nest 55 at POA 24n by Linnea T. 95 eggs, with one taken for research 94 were relocated straight back at POA 24n.
Two turtle tracks at the same place on the same morning resulting in two nests were a suprise.

Emergence Date 08/30
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/02
Hatch Success 84.2%

Mon, July 08
Nest 56 Also at POA 24n by
Linnea T. with 124 eggs, with one taken for research 123 were relocated straight back at POA 24n.

Emergence Date 08/30
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/02
Hatch Success 96.7%

Mon, July 08
Nest 57 was located at POA 23n and left in situ as she came right up to the dune. This Richard's 1st nest as he found the eggs. Congratulations Richard! I know your happy you came out today.

Emergence Date 08/30
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/02
Hatch Success 90.3%

Mon, July 15
Nest 58
Mickey M. and Pebbles T. found this nest at POA 03n. 116 eggs relocated to POA 02s. Two eggs were depredated by a Ghost Crab one of which was saved for the DNA research project.

Emergence Date 09/05
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/08
Hatch Success 73.7%

Nest watch on the night of 9/07 was rewarded by a hatch boil at sunset.

Sat, July 20
Nest 59 was found in the walkway of POA 22. Renee M. probed and found the nest right away. This is the first nest or activity for Renee and Madison this season.The nest contained 119 eggs, one was taken for research. The remainder were relocated just south of POA 22 on the seaward side of the dune.

Emergence Date 09/12
54 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/15
Hatch Success 68.0%

Tue, July 23
Nest 60 is a wild nest at POA 23n discovered by signs of hatchling activity from an area previously identified on May 23 with a ? stake .
Emergence Date 07/23
61 days of incubation
Inventoried 07/26
Hatch Success 95.6%

Thu, July 25
Nest 61 Monett S. found this nest at POA 01Bn; her very first nest. As it was below the meanhigh tide line 125 eggs were relocated back above the mean HTL. One egg was submitted for DNA research..

Emergence Date 09/16
53 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/19
Hatch Success 60.3%

Fri, Aug. 02
Nest 62 was found by Karen N. at POA 22s. 86 eggs were relocated to a seaward facing dune also at POA 22s. The wind blown sand made it tough to find any body pit without drawing in the lines where the tracks were missing, but if you look closely.....

Emergence Date 09/25
54 days of incubation
Inventoried 09/28
Hatch Success 36.3%

SCDNR stats for the season.