CSI Fripp Island


Use the time of the last high tide and the track differential to estimate the time the turtle came ashore and the length of time the turtle spent on the beach 

Follow the incoming crawl to  locate the body pit and determine if thrown sand has covered the incoming crawl.

Notice the crescent shaped cliff made by the front flipper while the turtle was covering the nest. Use this to determine the orientation of the turtles body relative to the body pit.

Examine the pattern of the thrown sand. Use this to approximate the position of the turtles body within the body pit.

Look for uprooted and buried vegetation to determine the most likely area to find the nest chamber.

Probe in an organized manner from the beginning of the incoming track, moving forward as you progress from left to right.


In short, approach the turtle crawl the same as a detective would when approaching a crime scene.

A. Natoli 7/22/2020